Arrow ~ Fallout ~ Part Three

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Getting this up before I get my wisdom teeth out. :) Wish me luck!

Also, the poll is still going for the next SuperArrow book, which will include the Flash and Legends as well - whose ass gets kicked first? Daxamites or Cadmus? Currently, the Daxamites are leading. For those of you who are caught up on Supergirl . . . well, the Daxamites story might include what you all want to do to a certain Daxamite. Just saying.

Enjoy the final part of "Fallout!"


"OK, please just tell me your psychopath of a student didn't get off that island, too," Malcolm griped.

"What's wrong?" Talia tilted her head. "Was the great Al Saher actually scared of him?"

"No, he just pissed me off," Malcolm grumbled.

"You're not alone," Laurel agreed as Dig reached for a device near Winn.

"Says the one who turned her back on the man who saved her," Talia raised an eyebrow. "Pity."

"Eyes!" Dig warned, sliding the device under the platform.

Whatever it was, it exploded, making Talia cover her eyes. Dig grabbed Winn and ran, Malcolm and Laurel taking off after them. "You want me to kill them?" one of the mercenaries asked Talia.

"You're not being paid to keep them alive," Talia growled. The mercenaries took off after them, and Talia nodded at Faust. "Let's get to work."


Winn crouched behind a pile of crates, watching three mercs approach. When they were past the door, he tapped a button on his tablet.

The lights went out, and all three looked up and around. Malcolm dropped from the ceiling, tackling one. Laurel charged into the second, punching him and knocking his gun away from him. Dig grabbed the gun and exchanged shots with the third merc, both dodging shots.

In the middle of the shootout, though, Dig suddenly stopped firing, and Winn's eyes widened when the merc punched him down. "Dig!" he shouted.

"You're not gonna feel a thing," the merc sneered, raising his gun. "Promise."

A green arrow caught him in the shoulder, followed by heat vision in his back. Malcolm slammed his merc into a steel wall nearby as Oliver and Kara ran in, charging the three mercs that arrived as backup. Kara kicked one in the stomach, and Laurel and Malcolm hastily dove out of the way as the merc went flying into a pile of crates nearby. Oliver took on another, easily punching him out. "You guys OK?" he called.

"Peachy!" came Winn's answer.

Dig punched the last merc out and growled, turning around. "I'm pissed!"

"Yeah, he speaks for the rest of us," Malcolm winced.


"Just about finished," Faust told Talia.

"Good," she smirked.

Banging from the floor above them made her look up, then one of the mercs shouted, "Incoming!"

Talia turned to see four figures drop down the elevator shaft and take cover as the mercs opened fire. Dinah stuck her head out when they paused, screaming at them and flinging them into the table. Talia scowled and walked up onto the platform. "So you're the new Black Canary that Evelyn called a bitch."

Alex snorted as she walked out, a combat knife in her hand. "She's the bitch."

"Takes one to know one," Dinah agreed.

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