Supergirl ~ Of Two Evils ~ Part Two

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Alex and Sam find out what's going on, the Red Kryptonite gets a tighter grip on Kara, Lucy takes a small trip, and Lena speaks with our favorite Team Arrow guys.

Enjoy part two!


"He's gone," Kara announced as she walked back into the main office, Lena cradling her face in her hand, James pacing restlessly. "And security knows better than to let him in again."

"He's not gonna come back and try again in person," Lena said. "This was an uncharacteristic outburst. I've never seen him so angry. He's gonna come back at me twice as hard. This is never gonna stop!"

"But you're not the one who's trying to kill him," Kara pointed out.

"No," James agreed. "He's tried to kill Lena plenty of times and she's never retaliated."

"So someone out there is trying to kill him," Kara nodded.

"He's got no shortage of enemies. But, like you said," James addressed Lena, "this is uncharacteristic for him. Edge is too good at covering his tracks to have somebody build a case against him."

"I mean, we don't even have enough for a damning story," Kara added, glowering at the thought. Oh, how she would love to write that story to get her friend closure.

"We should really be focused on this car hack," James decided.

Kara frowned. She really wanted that story, damn it. "Yeah," she finally nodded. "You're right."

"I'm just tired of this cycle of violence, OK?" Lena threw her hands up in exasperation. "I just want these threats, these attacks, these recriminations – you know, I've seen it ruin my mother's life and my brother's. I just want it to stop."

"Well, that's what we're here for," Kara stood up, walking over to Lena. "Let your friends help you."

Lena stared at her long and hard before nodding silently. Kara smiled back and gave her a hug, which Lena tentatively returned. As she did, she exchanged a look with James, who looked just as worried as her.


"So what do you see?" Sam asked as Alex watched the scans load.

"Nothing," Alex answered after a moment.

"Is that a good thing?"

"Well, it's neither good nor bad," Alex looked closer at the images. "It just means that whatever's causing the blackouts isn't showing up on the images."

"OK," Sam sighed, looking down at her hands. "So where do we go from here?"

"We send the images to an expert along with some bloodwork," Alex turned to her, pulling on plastic gloves. She raised an eyebrow, taking a closer look at Sam's face. "Are you OK? What are you thinking?"

"Yeah, I'm just tired of all the lying," Sam nodded. "Lies to Lena about my whereabouts, about the press conferences and the board meetings, and the earnings calls, and just . . . all of it. I lie and I tell her that everything's fine."

"I thought you told her about the work trip?" Alex asked, wrapping a band tightly around Sam's arm.

"I told her that my adopted mother was in the hospital," Sam admitted. "So, that's a lie on a lie on a lie."

"So maybe it's time for some truth," Alex suggested.

"The truth is that I'm becoming a burden," Sam told her. "To Lena, to L-Corp, to you, to my friends, to my daughter. I don't wanna be that person." Alex nodded somberly, and as she took off the cap of the syringe, Sam gulped. "I'm afraid of needles," she confessed quietly.

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