Supergirl ~ The Faithful ~ Part One

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OK, this is definitely more than likely going to be the last time you hear from me until after Christmas, because I finished typing this between Christmas Eve services. XD

Kara investigates something intriguing with her friends, and it spooks her enough to ask for help from another universe. On the other hand, girls night!



"Come on, Ruby!" Sam whooped as her daughter led the way down the soccer field, the ball rolling in front of her. "Get' em, baby girl! Yeah!" She stopped when her phone rang, and sighing, she held it to her ear as she looked at her laptop. "Hello? Well, if JQB has a problem with the conditions of the deal, they can call me directly, any time."

The crowd suddenly erupted in cheers, then Ruby shouted, "Mom, did you see that!"

Sam looked up and quickly hid her phone behind her back, seeing Ruby had scored a goal, and she'd been on the phone and didn't notice. "Yes!" she nodded quickly. "Amazing! Good job, baby!" Ruby grinned and ran on, and Sam quickly pulled her phone back out. "Yes, Paul. No, I'm still here. Yes, you can send the final docs to my assistant this afternoon."

"Which one's yours?" a woman in a bright blue jacket and her hair in a ponytail asked, standing by Sam's chair.

"Oh, uh, she's the forward, right there," Sam pointed. "I swear to God, I don't know how she's so coordinated. I struggle to think and chew at the same time. How about you? Which one's yours?"

"Ruby is special," the woman said instead.

"Yeah, she is," Sam agreed before blinking. "Wait, I don't think I told you her name."

"She is chosen," the woman smiled. "So are you."

Sam frowned as she pulled out a pamphlet and handed it to her. "I'm sorry, who did you say you were?"

"A follower," she answered. "Please, bring Ruby to our community so that she may learn her path."

"Thanks," Sam smiled tensely. The woman didn't seem to notice as she smiled and walked off. Sam just made a face at the pamphlet she now held.


"I just have to sign some papers, and then we can get back to work," Lena told Kara, walking into her office.

"Yeah, no problem," Kara nodded, smirking in a teasing way. "But my boss really doesn't like when I'm late, so . . . "

Lena made a face at her, and both shared a giggle. "Sorry!" Sam's voice suddenly said, and they turned to see her rush in.

"Hey," Lena smiled.

"Ruby had a soccer game, and then the kids wanted to get ice cream to celebrate," Sam continued.

"No worries," Lena assured her. "You remember Kara?"

"Yes, of course I do," Sam smiled, looking through her bag. "Nice to see you."

"Good to see you," Kara nodded.

"OK, so the JQB merger should be finalized any minute," Sam told Lena, pulling out a file and handing it to her. "Unless Paul tries to pull something, which I will not allow."

"Ugh," Lena grimaced. "Paul's, like, the one thing I do not miss." She looked up at Kara and said two words. "Skeezeball lawyer."

"Ah," Kara giggled. "Gotcha."

"So," Lena asked as she bent down to sign the form in the file. "How do you plan on celebrating your first big merger as my CFO?"

Sam gave her an incredulous look, and Kara perked up. "We're having a girls night at my place tonight," she offered. "Do you wanna come?"

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