The Flash ~ Girls Night Out ~ Part Two

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I'm pretty certain I laughed writing this chapter more than any other part so far . . . except maybe Malcolm and Slade. Because those two are hilarious. But still . . . this was funny. XD

The girls bond over having to save the day, all the guys are stuck with Ralph's choice of a bachelor party, and Oliver (probably) thinks Harry is the only sane one in the room.



Everyone save Ralph stared in complete shock at where the private investigator had taken them. "Doesn't it just take your breath away?" Ralph grinned.

"And now this is where I know my past is haunting me," Oliver pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing. "Strip club. Great."

"Gentlemen, I welcome you to the Golden Booty," Ralph announced, leading them inside.

"There ain't nothing golden about any of this," Joe shook his head.

"Nope," Ralph said cheerfully. "Came through for you, right, man?"

"He does know that over half this group is taken, right?" Cisco couldn't help but whisper.

"What do you think?" Ralph grinned at the others.

"I'm thinking it's going to be really bad if this gets out," Oliver grimaced.

"I think I should have brought some hand sanitizer," Cisco admitted.

Harry pulled out a bottle, squirted a portion into his hand, then put some on Cisco's. "Always come prepared," he said.

"Oh, yes," Cisco sighed in relief as Oliver silently held out his own hand, Harry giving him a bit, too.

"Ralph, this isn't really my speed," Barry looked around, looking extremely uncomfortable.

"Speed jokes?" Ralph huffed. "You're better than that, Allen."

One stripper passed by and gave a seductive smile, running a hand over Ralph's chest. "Hey, Ralphy," she purred before walking off.

"Uh," Harry stopped, frowning. "Disney, you're a regular at this joint?"

"Oh," Ralph scoffed, walking over to a picture frame nearby. "So much more than that." All the others raised eyebrows when they saw the picture was of Ralph. "The girls may not be bottomless, but for yours truly, the French fries always are."

Harry grimaced, but a voice behind them made them turn. "Golden Booty policy," the black man told them. "Now, out of respect for the ladies, no touching, no pictures, no video . . . " He held out a basket. "And no cell phones."

"What?" Cisco blinked.

Harry immediately handed his over, followed by Joe. "I need a drink," Joe mumbled, following Harry to the bar.

"Yeah, me, too," Oliver sighed, dropping his phone in as well.

"I wish I could have a drink," Barry grumbled, he and Cisco dropping their phones in next, Ralph the last to do so.

"Bruh, do you really think I'd let you down like that?" Cisco raised an eyebrow, whipping out a vial with a bright red-orange liquid in it. "A special concoction. Guaranteed to give you that gentle, pleasant buzz all night long."

"What if we need the Flash?" Barry frowned.

"I volunteer to be designated superhero," Cisco shrugged.

"Make that two," Oliver nodded at Cisco. "Barry, I might not like where we are, but it's your party. Enjoy it a little, at least."

"Go for it, Bar," Joe agreed as Barry hesitantly sniffed the drink. "You deserve it."

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