Supergirl ~ Wake Up ~ Part Two

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Warning: angst galore in this one. Something's up with Mon-El, and Sam takes a trip . . . a really long trip.

Enjoy part two!


"All right, Rubes," Sam wrote down on a notepad. "Mrs. Qualar is coming to stay."

"For how long?" Ruby frowned.

"I'm not sure yet, but I do know that you hate her cooking, so I'm leaving money for takeout." She tore the note off and set it down on the table with the money. "Right here."

"Where are you going?" Ruby asked.

"I'm not exactly sure yet," Sam admitted, setting down the notepad, then looked at Ruby, who was biting her lip. "Hey, you don't have to worry, OK? Nothing is wrong." She took Ruby's hand and sat down on the couch. "I'm sorry I yelled at you earlier." Ruby smiled faintly, and Sam continued. "I found something out about myself, and it's a really good thing. It's gonna answer a lot of questions, but I gotta take this trip to get those questions answered."

"Can't I come with you?" Ruby asked. "I can come with you!"

"I know you want to, and I wish that you could, but I gotta do this on my own, OK?" Ruby looked down, looking sad, and Sam held up her hand. "Hold my hand." Ruby did, and Sam put her other hand on top. "You feel that?"

"Your pulse?" Ruby frowned.

"That's you," Sam nodded. "You are my heart. Are you gonna trust me?" Ruby nodded, and Sam smiled. "Something wonderful is happening."

"Just promise to tell me about it when you come back?" Ruby asked.

"I promise," Sam nodded, pulling her close, kissing the top of her head. "I love you so much."

"I love you, too," Ruby mumbled.


"Hey, so now that we know it's just friendly ol' Mon-El in the ship, maybe you could finally go have that outing with your dad," Winn told J'onn as they and Alex walked back to the main room.

"We have to learn more about the ship Mon-El was on," J'onn said. "There are five other passengers on board we know nothing about."

"They're literally asleep," Winn snorted.

"The ship is secure, OK?" Alex told J'onn. "We're running comms on it to find its origin, we're monitoring it in case anybody else wakes up. I will alert you if anything happens."

"Yes, leave us in charge," Winn nodded. When both Alex and J'onn looked at him incredulously, he hastened to say, "and by 'us,' I mean Alex, because I should not be in charge of anything."

"Just go be with your dad," Alex smiled at J'onn.

J'onn sighed, then nodded.


"This brown water is a popular beverage on Earth?" M'yrnn asked as they walked through the park later, considering the cup he held in his hand.

"In the mornings, mostly," J'onn nodded.

M'yrnn took a drink, then blinked. "Mmm!" he brightened. "Yes, I understand the appeal of c'of-fee!"

J'onn held back a smirk. "It's pronounced coffee. It's only a short walk from the D.E.O., you can come down here at any time."

He checked his phone, then heard his father ask, "What is that? A duel of intellect?"

"That is chess," J'onn identified the game two men were playing. "An ancient game of strategy with infinite outcomes."

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