The Flash ~ Fury Rogue ~ Part Two

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Y'all are very lucky I was feeling up to writing today. This entire pandemic I have either had zero motivation, no mojo, I've been working or practicing music, or I've been plain exhausted. Those of you who had patience in waiting for this, you guys are the reason I wanted to get something up.

Therefore, I hope this doesn't need saying again, but pleeeeeeeease do not beg me for updates, demand them, or ask for them. My work schedule depends on when I'm needed, which could be any day of the week, and my mojo and motivation can be gone with the blink of an eye. Just please be patient with me, because I run out of it very quickly. That explains why if it looks like I was in a rush at the end, I really was. I just wanted to get the fights as quickly as I could.

Anyway, you didn't want a rant. You want a chapter. How about Sara comes face to face with the evil speedster of the hour, Ray and Leo explain what's been happening on their Earth, Lena learns Harry's been keeping something secret, and Banshee makes her move.


By the time Barry had rushed back to S.T.A.R. Labs with Leo and a limp Kara, Lily was wide-eyed and still calling for Jax. "Kara!" Oliver rushed from the console to help Barry take his fiancée.

"Hurts," Kara whimpered, curling into Oliver.

Cisco's eyes widened when he saw the green flickering through her veins. "DeVoe had Kryptonite?"

"It wasn't DeVoe," Barry shook his head. "We were hit by a sonic scream."

"Like Laurel and Purity?" Dig asked in surprise.

"That was the other woman I saw in that dark valley place, right?" Sam asked Lena.

"Yeah, that was Julia," Lena confirmed.

"Well, I don't know a Purity," Leo said, watching Oliver sit Kara on one of the tables nearby. "I do know an Earth-X metahuman with that ability."

Oliver frowned. "The only Earth-X meta you said had that ability was – "

He trailed off, and Barry looked at Leo with wide eyes when he nodded grimly. "You said she was dead!"

"Murdered, but yes," Leo nodded. "She was."

"I'm lost," Dig held up his hand.

"Laurel's Earth-X doppelgänger," Barry explained.

"Let me guess, a New Reichsmen right with Slade and Malcolm?" Palmer raised an eyebrow.

"Nope," Leo popped the "p." "Became so jealous of Overgirl that she sabotaged a super serum given to her that destabilized her so much it led to her needing a heart transplant from your Kara. For that betrayal, Black Arrow cut out her heart and gave it to his new wife as a wedding present."

"Oh, my God," Sam covered her mouth.

"That's awful!" Ruby paled.

"That's Earth-X for you, unfortunately," Terrill sighed.

"Then how is she here?" Lily demanded, her eyes wide.

Terrill rubbed his forehead. "A few days ago, the Freedom Fighters discovered a warehouse that was former property of the New Reich. In the lower levels, we found machinery that could create direct duplicates of high-ranking members of the Reich."

"Cloning chambers?" Oliver asked in shock.

"Exactly," Terrill nodded. "The hypothesis formed by our scientists was that when one of the Reichsmen lost their life, that was when their clone started being created. We know each of the New Reichsmen had sensors on them that signaled when their hearts stopped beating. When we were able to crack the cloning chambers open, we found the clones of Black Arrow, Overgirl, the Terminator, the Magician, and Prometheus were unfinished. One chamber hadn't even begun creating a clone yet, but another one had finished long before we got there."

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