Arrow ~ Divided ~ Part Three

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Sorry for my long absence, guys. My parents and I were on vacation in Colorado, and there was no way I would get a full chapter out in that time.

It's Team Arrow vs villains 2.0, things go . . . a bit better than last time, the three former teammates come to a decision, and it's a really bad take on a man walks into a bar.



"Charges are in place," Dig announced, bending down to pick up his bag.

"So are mine," Oliver nodded, walking away from one of the beams.

"And mine," Slade jumped down from the next level.

Dig pursed his lips, then asked, "Oliver, you sure about this, man?"

Oliver blinked, looking back at him. "You don't sound like you are."

"If we do this, Cayden James will bring his whole group here," Dig pointed out.

"And?" Oliver prompted.

"And Cayden will bring everyone, Oliver. I'm no place close to a hundred percent – "

"Which is why the wizard, Siren, and I will be here backing him up," Slade interrupted. "Not to mention Kara."

"Except if Cayden pulls out a dampener again, Laurel loses her biggest punch," Dig pointed out. "Look, the rest of the team – "

"There is no rest of the team," Oliver shook his head. "We don't need them. Slade could take all three of them at the same time, no problem, and that's not including what Malcolm is capable of – and you've seen them fight before, John. With Laurel and Kara? We pack a punch that Rene, Curtis, and Dinah could never hit. We've been over this before."

"I know, but we've also been over other things, like you and the League of Assassins, me with my secret," Dig shook his head. "Hell, you and Slade, you and Malcolm, after everything they've done to you. Oliver, the best partnerships are built on forgiveness, man."

"I earned mine by sticking to Oliver's side through Prometheus," Slade folded his arms. "I chose him and Kara over my own son. Malcolm has proven he has changed ever since Kara saved his life on Lian Yu. We have both had every chance to turn on Oliver again and again. We never have."

"Slade has a point, but you know what else, John?" Oliver narrowed his eyes. "I got arrested in front of my son, got dragged away in handcuffs because of something that Rene did. I don't know how to forgive it. I tried. John, more importantly, what's Cayden James been up to? He has known our identities for months, knows about my fiancée and Laurel, where they come from, and something I never would have concerned me like it does now – he knows about Slade and Malcolm. He has the ability to release to the public that two of the most infamous mass murderers in Star City's history are alive and back in the city. And yet, he hasn't outed us. Why?" Dig frowned thoughtfully, and Oliver nodded. "This started with you, with me, and with Felicity. Now we have the most powerful hero in our universes and three of the most skilled vigilantes that have existed on our side. Whatever comes our way, we can handle it. I believe that."

With nothing else left to say, Oliver headed out. Slade and Dig exchanged glances before Slade followed after Oliver, Dig sighing and rubbing his forehead before doing the same.


Rene returned to the living room, blinking when he saw Curtis take a bite from his snack. "Are you actually eating the old crogurt?" he asked in disbelief.

"Shut up," Curtis shot back, not looking up from his work. "Your old is my delicious. How's Zoe?"

"I don't know," Rene sighed. "I just . . . need her to feel like everything's going back to normal. I hope it is. It'd help if you could delete whatever the D.A.'s got."

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