Supergirl ~ Trinity ~ Part Three

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Well, after an extremely long month of project after project, concert after concert, and test after test, I am finally on summer break! Took a few days to relax and unwind, and frankly get used to having nothing to do for a while, and then finished this up.

I would still like to reiterate that I will not have a specific updating schedule in mind even though there isn't any school right now. Family and friends will come first, and I will be attempting to write more of my Doctor Who books now as well as my DC books, so my answer to when updates will come will be the same as ever: I don't know. Just keep being patient, and updates will come when they get the chance. I am absolutely not abandoning this series, so any delay in updates will either mean I'm working on something else, something away from Wattpad is taking up my attention, or I'm burned out and need time to recuperate.

Anyway, back to the main event! It's Teams Supergirl, Arrow, and Flash against the Worldkillers with a surprising outcome, and Team Tech makes a surprising discovery when they return.



J'onn staggered back as an uppercut from Purity knocked him off balance, then Cisco flung his hands out, shooting his blasts at her. Caitlin hit her from behind. Purity gritted her teeth, standing her ground, then flung her head back and screamed up into the sky.

Jesse looked up, surprised by the direction, and blanched when she saw Purity had another goal in mind. "Dad!" she called. "Look out!"


Jesse's warning was lost as the cruiser rocked, making Evelyn yelp as she fell back onto one of the beds, William crashing into the wall. "You two OK?" Felicity called worriedly.

"Yeah!" William managed to call, Evelyn giving her a quick thumbs up.

"What was that?" Harry scowled.

"Main thrusters are damaged," Querl answered.

"How did that happen?" Lucy demanded.

"Some sort of soundwave interference."

Winn groaned. "Purity."

"Of course," Max rolled his eyes.

"It's fine, we have secondary thrusters," Querl waved the concern off.

The cruiser rocked again, sparks flying and the power flickering, and Harry groaned, closing his eyes. "We just lost those, too, didn't we?"

"Actually, to be more precise, they just blew up," Querl cleared his throat, standing from the pilot's chair. "Excuse me a moment."

The group watched him hurry to a nearby panel, and Lena shook her head. "We don't have a moment to waste," she said, walking over to the chair.

"Whoa," Felicity blinked, looking at her as Evelyn helped William up. "You sure about that?"

"You do remember who my copilot during the Nazi invasion was, right?" Harry raised an eyebrow.

Lena grinned smugly and tapped on the chair, two holographic circles with schematics popping up in front of her. As she tapped on them, Querl stood up from his work and immediately glared. "What are you doing?" he asked.

"I'm helping," Lena answered shortly, not looking up from what she was doing.

"No, no, that's not how that works," Querl began as he walked over.

The circles Lena was working with blazed scarlet, and Max smirked. "I think it is."

Querl blinked in surprise. "Yes . . . that's exactly how that works."

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