Arrow ~ All For Nothing ~ Part Three

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And once again, I horribly underestimate how many words the last part of an episode will be. From 3.8K last part to 6K here. How wonderful.

Team Arrow goes after the bomb, the Outsiders go after Vincent, and there is . . . quite the fallout. It's not pretty.

Enjoy the end of "All For Nothing!"


"Oh, boy," Mon-El whistled lowly as he and Imra landed with Dig, Kara and Oliver landing a few feet away. "This place is huge."

"Which is why we play this smart," Oliver said, looking up at the enormous warehouse as Dig and the two Legionnaires jogged over. "Supergirl, Valor, Saturn Girl, you search this place top to bottom. Strip it down, I don't care. Find that bomb."

"And all the men inside?" Kara asked.

"Leave them to us," an Australian voice answered.

Oliver turned, relief evident on his face as Slade approached, Malcolm and Laurel grappling in. "Thank you for coming," he said.

"Like we wouldn't," Malcolm adjusted his bow, looking up at the warehouse. "You need every person you can get to search this place, considering there's a bomb that can take out the entire city somewhere inside."

"What, did three others not feel the same way?" Laurel looked around, though she didn't look surprised.

"They're going after Vincent," Dig explained.

"One man over the entire city?" Slade asked incredulously.

Oliver just sighed. "We need to move and find this bomb, quickly."


One of the guards in Cayden's headquarters was thrown to the ground, and Dinah stormed past him, violently punching the next guard who tried to get in her way. She smashed her bo staff into the head of the next guard she saw, quickly running to cover as more guards with machine guns ran into view. Rene provided cover fire as Curtis joined Dinah, then joined both of them himself. "How much further?" Dinah asked.

"About one hundred yards or so, give or take," Curtis answered.

"That might as well be a mile away at this rate," Rene shook his head.

"Not if you draw their fire," Dinah argued.

Curtis nodded. "Follow the T-sphere," he told her, holding it up. "Go!"

He launched it into the air, and as Rene ran out to fire at the men heading towards them, Dinah raced after the sphere, Rene and Curtis following her when it was clear.


Vincent wearily raised his head, panting as his remaining wounds healed, perking up when he heard gunfire. The lone guard left in the room checked out the door, and Vincent gritted his teeth, finally breaking through his bonds. The guard tried to rush him, but Vincent picked up his chair and whacked the guard in the back of the head, sending the guard to the ground, unconscious. Vincent didn't stay long, choosing to rush out of the room.


"I'll take the top level," Kara told Mon-El and Imra as they entered the warehouse.

"I'll take middle," Mon-El nodded.

"Ground," Imra finished.

Kara flew for the stairwell, followed by Mon-El, and Imra took off in a sprint, propelling herself into the air by her Legion ring, knocking out a few guards while she was at it.


Slade ducked away from Imra flying past him, raising his arm to block the gunfire headed for his face. With a feral snarl, he whipped his sword free from its sheath on his back, twirling it and slashing the offending guard's legs out from under him. He went down with a yelp, and Slade charged into the next three shooting at him, the bullets bouncing harmlessly off his armor.

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