Supergirl ~ Triggers ~ Part Two

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Sam and Ruby get into an argument, Kara takes on the robber with some backup this time, and some sweet SuperCorp sister moments.


"OK," Ruby's principal, Coburn, told Sam as she sat. "Well, then . . . there was some kind of argument between the girls that started before morning bell. It got very heated outside their lockers, and Ruby hit Stephanie."

"OK," Sam bit her lip, trying to process this. "When you say 'hit,' I mean . . . how did she hit her? Did she push her?"

"Oh, no," Coburn shook her head. "She punched her in the face."

"Oh, God," Sam covered her mouth in horror. "Is Stephanie all right?"

"She's OK," Coburn nodded. "It didn't go further than the one punch."

"I just," Sam shook her head. "This is not like Ruby!"

"Ruby is very well-behaved," Coburn frowned. "I was shocked when they told me she was involved in this. Is she acting OK at home? Sleeping normally?"

"Yes," Sam nodded. "Yes, nothing out of the ordinary."

"I know you're a single parent," Coburn told her, and Sam followed her hand motions, thinking. "Has there been some sort of shake-up with Ruby's father? You know, sometimes children can sense – "

"There is no father," Sam interrupted. "It's just us."

"I'm sorry," Coburn winced. "I don't mean to pry. We just want to find out what's going on with Ruby and make sure that this is an isolated incident for her."

"Well, I agree," Sam nodded.


It didn't take long to finish the meeting after that. Sam walked out of the principal's office and sighed in frustration when she saw Ruby sitting sheepishly outside. "Today of all days," she grumbled, gesturing for her to follow her. "Come on."

Ruby sighed, then took her backpack and followed.


Kara quickly ran out of the elevator, checking her watch. "Hey, how you doing?" James asked, walking up to her, a concerned look on his face.

"I'm OK," she answered. "I'm just running late."

"For what?" James frowned, confused.

"Uh, Lena called a meeting for the news room."

James blinked. "She did?"

"Yeah," Kara blinked back. "She didn't tell you?"

"No, she did not," he scowled.

" . . . huh."

"Kara!" Lena walked up, a relieved look on her face. "There you are!"

"I'm sorry," Kara smiled sheepishly at her. "I tried to make it work, but it just – "

"Good meeting?" James interrupted, and Kara closed her mouth with a click. "Was it good?"

"Yeah," Lena narrowed her eyes. "I was just going around to all the departments, giving them a little pep talk." She looked at Kara and gave her a smile. "I really missed you there."

Kara's phone went off again, and she closed her eyes. "Shoot," she growled, pulling it out and taking a look. "Lena, I am so – "

"Go," Lena nodded, a sympathetic look on her face. "Go on."

"Thank you," she mouthed, hurrying off.

"Did you think that I didn't wanna be there?" James turned on Lena, folding his arms. "Is that why you didn't tell me?"

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