Arrow ~ Collision Course ~ Part One

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I am freely going to say this now - this is most likely going to end with me either a) writing way too much in the beginning because I think I'll end with a lot and end up with a short last chapter or b) writing way too much in the beginning because I think I'll end with a lot and end up underestimating how much I write once again. Basically, my apologies if this is skewered one way or the other.

Oliver makes a promise to the city, is more than capable of delivering on a threat, and the girl of the hour reaches out, but probably not to who some people expect it to be.


"Severed subclavian artery, no defensive wounds," Oliver read from Cayden's file in disbelief, then closed it and looked up at Hill. "How did this happen?" he demanded.

"Some time between transfer and intake at Iron Heights, an inmate caught James unaware," Hill answered, making Oliver sigh in frustration. "By the time the guards intervened, it was too late."

"Motive?" Oliver asked.

"The inmate was a headcase off his meds," she shrugged. "For all we know, he thought he was killing his mother."

"Well, the random murder of Cayden James, it – it doesn't feel very random," Oliver seethed.

"It was bad timing and even worse luck, Mr. Mayor," Hill shook her head. "That's all."

"All right," Oliver sighed, nodding.

"But Cayden James was my responsibility," Hill told him. "If a head has to roll for this, make it mine."

"That is not how I run things here," Oliver told her. "Just . . . check in with the others who came in with him and keep doing what you're doing."

He left Hill's office, mentally bracing himself for the meeting that was about to take place at City Hall.


Not to Oliver's surprise, it was Quentin who managed to shout over everyone in the conference room and get their attention. "One at a time! One at a time!"

That, coupled with Thea's iron glare and Oliver's raised hand, finally silenced everyone. "Thank you," he looked around. "I understand that you're angry. I am – I am angry, too, but we are not gonna solve any problems by yelling at one another."

"Last I heard, Cayden James is dead, but you still don't have the money he stole," the representative from the Teachers Union said.

"You mean the money he was given," the woman representing the Fire Department glowered.

"We are still in the process of recovering the money that was extorted from the city," Oliver told her. "We just need a little more time."

Chatter erupted again, but the woman cut through the noise. "We're on the verge of financial collapse. Without an influx of cash soon, we all have to shut down – schools, sanitation, emergency services, everything!"

Oliver refrained from gritting his teeth. "Fine," he said. "We will have those funds back in forty-eight hours. You have my word." He looked around the table. "All of you have my word. Thank you."

He quickly stood and left the room, Thea and Quentin hurrying to catch up. "OK, um, not that I don't love your confidence and everything, but should we really be making promises like that?" Thea asked as they walked into Oliver's office.

"The accountant is on his way back from Corto Maltese with the money that was deposited into Cayden James' bank account as we speak," he told her.

"You could've just told them that, got those folks off your back," Quentin blinked.

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