Arrow ~ Next of Kin ~ Part Three

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And here's the final part. :) Team Arrow vs Onyx and her men, Dig gets the chance to redeem himself, Quentin works his magic, and find out what Malcolm and Laurel have been doing behind the scenes.



"Traffic cams picked up Reynolds heading north on Hillcrest," Curtis told the team. "The only things out there are souvenirs and the Haselby Grand."

"A hotel's a great place for an ex-spook to stash a go-bag and try to slip out with the tourist crowd," Rene remarked.

"Makes you wonder if his old crew tipped him off, or he's just the luckiest target in the world," Felicity snorted.

"Either way, there are hundreds of people in that hotel, so if they disperse the gas – "

"They won't," Dig cut her off. "Let's move out."

Curtis tilted his head, thinking. "Did he forget to say 'suit up,' or was 'let's move,' like, his version of 'suit up?' Because, personally, I like 'let's suit up,' 'cause then it just lets you know that you – "

"Go suit up, Curtis," Dinah and Rene said at the same time.

"Yeah, I have to go suit up," he hurried off to do just that.

As Rene went to do the same, Dinah ran to catch up to him. "Hey," she stopped him. "Hey, can you handle this?"

Rene sighed. "I asked Oliver to come back."

"Well, the fact that he didn't should tell you something, right?" Dinah raised an eyebrow.

"Maybe," Rene sighed. "Look, all I know for sure . . . if John doesn't straighten himself out, it's gonna be another rough night."


"What do we know, Overwatch?" Dig asked.

"Lots," Felicity answered. "Thermal reads a potential 166 casualties inside, and Onyx's team cut the CCTV."

"So we're going in blind," Rene grumbled as he drove towards the hotel.

"Literally, if we get hit with those flashbangs of hers again," Curtis added.

"Your dorky-ass glasses better work," Rene threatened.


Curtis tossed two of his spheres into the air, both of them lighting up. "Got visuals, thanks to Mr. Terrific's T-spheres," Felicity said. "Go, now!"

Dinah launched over the railing, Dig, Rene, and Curtis doing the same. "We need locations on Reynolds and the gas!" Dig ordered.

"I have him," Felicity said. "Upper lobby, but I got no way of detecting the gas."

"Canary, Terrific, see if you can locate the gas," Dig ordered. "Dog, you're with me on evac after we clear Reynolds."

"Oh, I really hope he's not making decisions based on animal code names," Felicity sighed.


Dinah and Curtis ran on, stopping when they saw two of the flashbangs roll in front of them. "Incoming!" she yelled, turning around.


Rene grimaced when the light hit. "All right, Hoss, let's check these out!"

Dig nodded, he and Rene sliding Curtis's glasses on. "Guys, you got two hostiles in the lobby," Felicity warned.

Across the lobby, Dinah and Curtis were able to take down their operatives, thanks to the glasses they had. Rene shot down two approaching Dig, leaving Dig to take on Onyx when she launched at him. He kicked her in the stomach, sending her to the ground. "Guess your old tricks don't work," he told her.

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