Supergirl ~ Legion of Super-Heroes ~ Part Three

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Well, that was officially the worst vacation ever.

To those of you who don't follow me or didn't see my message board, my long absence was because I haven't had a laptop the past two weeks. Last Tuesday, my parents and I went on vacation for my cousin's graduation. It was meant to be a vacation to relax and unwind. Instead, barely an hour after we arrived, and after we had just sat down to eat out, our car windows were smashed, and over half of our bags were stolen. While we did get the majority of our stuff back, all of our electronics were gone, which included my laptop. I now consider OneDrive a blessing, because thank goodness the majority of everything saved on my laptop was backed up. I just got this computer yesterday, and boy, have my fingers been itching to get back to writing.

Maybe that's why this ended up being over 6.5K words. O.O

So, I am very happy to say I am back to writing, but I am still on summer vacation, and I still have things to do other than write. Please do respect my time and my life outside of Wattpad, and we'll all be happy.

And also to those of you who have elements in this series or The Daxam Four that you have liked . . . if there's something very specific to my stories you would like to use, including dialogue or a certain plot point that could be unique to my stories, please ask before you do, and if I say you can use it, I would very much like to be credited for whatever you have used. I don't like plagiarizers, and the last thing I want to see is someone taking elements of my story, or the entire plotline, and making it theirs.

With all of that said . . . the Legion of Superheroes steps up, Kara has a decision to make, and get ready for your teeth to rot at the end.

Enjoy the end of "Legion of Super-Heroes!"


Kara could feel Querl occasionally looking at her from where he was picking up broken pieces of glass and pottery, but she focused on picking up various papers that had flown everywhere.

However, something under an old envelope caught her eye, and frowning, she reached out and picked up a black framed picture. She looked at the picture, curious and confused. "Huh."

Querl stood up, looking grateful for the distraction, and he walked over, looking over Kara's shoulder. "You had a pet?"

"Yeah," Kara smiled, looking down at the picture of her and her cat, but frowned again as Querl crouched down next to her. "But if this is my subconscious trying to tell myself something, I don't get it."

"Could be a random neuron firing," Querl mused. "What's its name?"

"Streaky," Kara answered. "I, uh . . . I found him on our street right after I came to Earth, actually. He was a stray, too."

"You felt an emotional kinship," Querl nodded.

Kara tilted her head, thinking it over, then grinned. "Yes," she nodded, thinking he made sense. "Yeah. We were . . . " She was distracted by movement on one of the chairs, and her eyes widened. "Friends." Querl turned to look as well, and he saw what she had: the same black cat in the picture was curled up on the chair. "I used to go out every night and feed him," Kara stood up, walking over to Streaky and squatting down, holding out her hand to gently stroke him. "I didn't wanna touch him. I was so strong, I could have hurt him. So, I practiced being gentle. And then, one day, I pet him." She picked Streaky up, giggling when he purred, just like he had years ago. "And he purred, and everything was OK." She sat down, putting Streaky in her lap, running her hands over his fur as Querl stood. "I felt like an alien on Earth for so long, and he helped me feel like a human."

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