Arrow ~ Irreconcilable Differences ~ Part Three

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And here's the final part of the Arrow midseason finale!

Rene explains his actions (people aren't happy), the team goes to rescue Laurel (people still aren't happy), and the fallout of Rene's betrayal (this time, some people are happy). Also, credit goes to iwannareadalotmore for coming up with the perfect codename for Winn, which debuts in this chapter. :) 

Enjoy, guys!


"Why?" Kara demanded angrily as Winn and James hastily backed up, Lena and Felicity cautiously doing the same as Slade, Malcolm, J'onn, and Alex fanned out, ready to back Oliver up if needed. "Why would you do that?"

"Agent Watson came to me," Rene winced, rubbing his red cheek. "She said she had proof that I was Wild Dog and that she was gonna use it against me to make sure that I never saw Zoe again." He looked from Kara to Oliver, whose green eyes were icy. "She said she had a solid case against you and that she was gonna arrest you either way. You were going down. I just couldn't make the trip with you."

"You should have told us, Rene," Dig scowled. "We could have figured something out."

"There was nothing to figure out, Hoss!" Rene protested. "Right?"

"Right," Malcolm scoffed. "Like no one in this room could . . . oh, I don't know, pretend to be you and go out as Wild Dog while you were in Watson's clear sight? No offense, J'onn."

"None taken," the Martian shook his head. "I would have been willing to do it."

"Would you?" Rene scowled.

"Yes," J'onn nodded. "Especially if it was your daughter on the line."

"And that's an obvious solution," Slade glared at Rene. "There could have been more."

"Now we'll never know," Felicity sighed.

"Kara," Oliver said quietly, his voice colder than ice. "Come here." Kara glared at Rene, walking backwards until she was at Oliver's side. He put his arm around her, then looked back the man who sold him out. "Rene . . . get out." He opened his mouth to say something, but Oliver growled. "Get out . . . or I let Kara, Slade, and Malcolm race to see who throws you out the quickest."

Rene's mouth clicked shut, and he clenched his jaw before turning and leaving.


Laurel woke up with an extremely sore throat, and she spent a few seconds coughing and hacking, groaning. "Oh, good," a sarcastic voice said, and Laurel glared at the dark-haired girl sitting on the table in front of her. "You're awake. Little Team Prometheus reunion, huh?"

"I didn't do anything to you on Lian Yu," Laurel glared.

"You turned your back on Chase," Evelyn narrowed her eyes. "He rescued you!"

"Yeah, and what did he ever do for you?" Laurel sneered. "Except promise revenge. Well, look how that turned out. You and your little group, locked up on Lian Yu. Of course, not any more, it looks like."

"Yeah, thanks to Cayden James," Evelyn folded her arms. "He sent someone for Talia and me."

"What, no use for a raging psychopath?" Laurel quirked an eyebrow. "I'd have loved to see Chase bite the bullet."

"Well, at least it wasn't me," Evelyn shrugged, though she seemed a bit uncomfortable talking about it.

Laurel gave her a long, lingering look, then noticed a device in the corner of the room. "Sonic dampener?" she guessed. When Evelyn smirked, Laurel groaned. "Of course."

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