Arrow ~ Thanksgiving ~ Part Two

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When Team Arrow fielders double in number . . . well. It gets interesting.

Enjoy part two, guys!


Winn whistled as he walked back towards the computers, only to do a double take when he saw both James and Winn were watching Dig do a handstand. "Whoa," he blinked.

"No kidding," James nodded in agreement.

"That is . . . so not fair," Curtis complained.

Dig landed back on his feet and stood up. "It's not supposed to be fair," he said dryly. "But thanks to you, I might be able to keep my job."

"No tremor?" Curtis asked.

"Almost gone," Dig confirmed, smiling. "You're a genius, Curtis."

"I bet you say that to all the geniuses," Curtis scoffed, but he smiled as well.

"Tremor?" Winn frowned.

"What kind of tremor?" James looked between them.

"Doesn't matter anymore," Dig shook his head, brushing it off.

Winn would have pressed further had the computers not started beeping. "What's that?" James looked around.

"Hacker tracker," Curtis answered, he and Winn running to the computers. He bent over his, checking where they were going. "Our friend Cayden just infiltrated security at Amertek, which, as it happens, has twenty different possible accelerants which cause . . . well, lots of damage."

"I got tech," Winn offered.

"I can stay here, too, just in case," James added. "You've already got plenty of fielders."

"Want to say it?" Curtis asked Dig with a wide grin.

"Call in the team," Dig ordered. "And suit up!"


"What's this I'm hearing about Watson having a smoking gun?" Quentin demanded as he turned away from the news.

"She gave it to DA Armand," Oliver answered grimly as the court group entered the office.

"Yeah, we need to find out what kind of ammunition they work with," Rene nodded.

"No, no," Oliver shook his head. "I'm not risking Felicity hacking the FBI."

"Eh, too late," Lena pulled out her phone. "I already asked not only her, but Winn to start looking. But, there's also too little. Any information they have, they're keeping it offline."

"Great," Thea grumbled.

"Well, I can check around the SCPD, see if anybody's heard anything," Dinah offered.

"Good," Oliver nodded. "Quentin, Thea, let's see if whatever it is came from city hall."

"Sure thing," Thea nodded.

"Yeah, been a while since I used my detective skills," Quentin smirked.

"You know, on the plus side, you getting arrested has done wonders for your approval ratings," Rene noted.

"Except it looks like it's had the opposite effect on this anti-vigilante referendum," J'onn frowned, seeing what Quentin was watching.

"There's a silver lining," Oliver scoffed.

The phones of the Earth-38ers chimed, and they pulled them out as Rene's and Dinah's went off, too. "That's Winn," Lena said. "There's a bad guy – well, girl – who's breaking into Amertek," Lena said.

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