Arrow ~ Thanksgiving ~ Part One

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Aaaaaand back to this book we go! Hope everyone enjoyed the Deathstroke episodes as much as I enjoyed writing them - speaking of which, if readers didn't know, those episodes are in a separate book on my profile. Definitely important to read that before coming back here. ;)

It's Thanksgiving time on Earth-1! The gang from Earth-38 makes the jump to be in Star City, but they're in for a pretty nasty surprise when they get there.



Kara typed the concluding sentence of her article, then leaned back in her chair, smiling happily. Finally, she was done for the next few days. She reached for her phone, checking for any messages before looking through her e-mail to see if she had any notifications for more articles to write. Before she could go very far, she heard her phone trill. Blinking, she turned to it, then picked it up and answered. "Hello?"

"Hey," Oliver responded. "Is this a bad time?"

"Never a bad time for you," Kara beamed, then blushed when she saw Lena look up from another desk, a teasing look on her face. "What's going on?"

"Well, this is a bit short notice, but in two days, there's going to be a Thanksgiving food drive before the tour of the new SCPD facility. I was hoping you could be my date?"

"Like you need to ask," Kara rolled her eyes fondly. "Of course I'll be there."

"Also, since it will be close to Thanksgiving, I'm leaving it open to anyone on your Earth who wants to come. I think there's still a few that have yet to see Star City, let alone Earth-1."

"Huh," Kara tilted her head thoughtfully, then waved to get Lena's attention. "Just one second."

"Let me guess," Lena smirked as she walked over. "A few days off?"

"There's going to be a Thanksgiving food drive in Star City," Kara explained. "Oliver asked me to come."

"Of course," Lena immediately nodded. "That's wonderful, Kara."

"And also," Kara shyly smiled, "it's open invitation, so . . . maybe?"

Lena grinned widely. "When is it?"

"Two days from now."

Lena chuckled. "I'll make sure James and I are open to go, if he wants to."

"Yes!" Kara did a small fist pump, spinning around in her chair as Lena smiled, walking to the main office. "Lena's in for sure, and she'll check in with James. I'll ask Alex, Winn, and J'onn, too."

"Looking forward to seeing you, Kara," Oliver told her.

"It'll just be two days," Kara shrugged it off, biting her lip.

"Gonna be the longest two days ever."

Kara sighed. "Yeah, it will be."


"Thanks very much, guys," Oliver smiled, taking a box from a family.

"Thank you," William added, taking cans and putting it away.

"Oh, that's very generous of you," Oliver blinked when the family revealed another box.

An impressed whistle came from behind them, and Oliver turned to see Alex and J'onn walk up, the two of them looking around, J'onn holding a sealed cardboard box. "Nice digs," Alex grinned. "Here, I can help with that."

"Thank you, Alex," Oliver smiled, shifting the box so Alex could help him set it down.

"Oh, cranberry sauce!" William lit up when a package was handed to him. "Awesome!"

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