Arrow ~ Shifting Allegiances ~ Part Two

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Dig, Mon-El, and Evelyn work with Dinah, Curtis, and Rene, Oliver works on Anatoli, Laurel's in a pickle . . . oh, and a few people have things to get off their chests.

Enjoy part two!


"The Quadrant," Dinah looked at the intel they had gotten from Team Arrow, shaking her head. "You know, I heard about these guys when I was working undercover. I could never get anyone to confirm their existence."

"Consider them confirmed," Mon-El looked at the Quadrant's faces, eyes narrowed.

"We were tracking this one, Cassamento, hoping she would lead us to Diaz," Dig pointed to the woman on the left.

"Yeah, we were hoping the Scorpions would lead us to Diaz, too," Curtis said. "Got some intel they were planning a huge thing tonight."

"We just figured it was drugs," Dinah said. "Turns out it was an ambush. The Quadrant wanted the Scorpions dead."

"They wanted us dead, too," Curtis agreed, looking around. "It's a good thing you guys showed up when you did," he added, making sure he included Evelyn.

She smiled shyly, which froze when Rene raised an eyebrow coldly. "You probably want a thank you or something, huh?"

Dig winced, but Mon-El turned and raised an eyebrow right back at him. "And you think we're so full of ourselves?"

"I don't think I was talking to you," Rene countered.

"You might as well, because as long as I'm in the city, I'm with his team," he nodded at Dig. "That includes backing him up when he needs it. And protecting a team member from another team who potentially wants to kill her."

"And what makes you think we care what you think?" Dinah scowled at him.

"Maybe the fact I could crush your throat without batting an eye and feeling nothing about it," Mon-El deadpanned. "But since I'm not that into killing people trying to keep their city safe, don't worry about that so much."

"When did you become an expert on deciding what's right and wrong?" Rene huffed.

"If there's a degree for right and wrong, at least two of you sure as hell don't have it," Mon-El glared between him and Dinah, Curtis sliding backwards when he wasn't included. "But it was probably when I spent seven years in the future working to build a team to keep the entire universe at peace. I'm not a saint, I know that. At least I spent seven years trying to become the best person I could be and spent those seven years trying to be a hero, which is more years than your team combined."

"I've spent years serving the law," Dinah sneered.

"You believe in the badge, I respect that," Mon-El nodded in acknowledgment to her. "But there was a saying I've heard a few times. 'Innocent until proven guilty,' correct?" When Dinah frowned but nodded, Mon-El snorted loudly. "For an officer of the law, you are doing a horrible job holding to that, let alone a police captain."

"Hey!" Dinah protested loudly.

"That's not fair!" Rene snarled, sitting up straight.

"No?" Mon-El raised an eyebrow coldly. "So you believe her word on what happened to Vincent Sobel without hearing anything from the girl who was made to kill him?"

Evelyn flinched, but Rene didn't even look in her direction. "I trust Dinah, not her."

"Then your view is already biased," Mon-El said bluntly, making Rene's eyes widen. "And Dinah's is biased as hell, considering all she seems to be focusing on is Evelyn killed him."

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