Supergirl ~ Fort Rozz ~ Part One

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Girls are running the show this time! Supergirl, Saturn Girl, Livewire, Psi, and more are heading to space!

Enjoy the first part of "Fort Rozz!"


Alex lounged back on her couch, watching the black and white film on screen, when she heard a knock on her door. "Enter!" she called, pausing the movie and putting the remote down.

"Hey!" Kara called cheerfully as she entered.

"Hi," Alex beamed.

"Look who I found," Kara continued, opening the door wider.

Ruby poked her head around Kara's legs, grinning, and Alex's smile grew to match hers. "And we come bearing carbs!" Sam announced, walking in afterwards.

"Oh, you didn't have to do that," Alex smiled, then hastily held up her hands. "But I'm really glad that you did!"

"Hey, Aunt Alex!" William waved as he entered, Oliver behind him.

"Hey, bud!" Alex grinned, holding out her arms. "Come on, come here!" William grinned and hurried over to hug her. "Oh, it's good to see you. How was Christmas?"

"Much better than Barry's, as we found out," Oliver sighed.

"Barry?" Alex asked in concern.

"What happened?" Sam asked, frowning as well.

"Just, ah . . . business related," Kara answered, giving Alex a meaningful look.

"Uh oh," Alex frowned.

"Yeah," Oliver nodded. "It's along the lines of what I'm going through on the other side of the job spectrum."

Alex frowned, thinking it over, when she blanched. Oliver was still under investigation, and if he was found guilty . . . "No."

"Yes," Kara nodded.

"You're kidding!" Alex gasped, sitting up straight. "Barry?"

"Yeah," Oliver nodded grimly. "That happened."

"Oh, my God," Alex rubbed a hand over her face as William nodded, sitting down next to her. "That's awful."

"It's why we'll stop by after work, make sure everyone's OK," Kara nodded.

"I'd go, too, but . . . " Alex gestured to her leg.

"Yeah," Oliver chuckled. "We'll send your regards."

"Thank you," Alex nodded, then grinned cheekily. "Is Lena going with you, by any chance?"

Kara burst out laughing as she took the dish from Sam. "Oh, she's never gonna live that down."

"Nope," Alex shook her head in agreement.

"Can I sign?" William asked.

"Of course," Alex grinned. "My step-nephew-to-be can always sign."

"Yes!" William fist pumped, reaching for the Sharpie on the coffee table.

Oliver smiled fondly at his son's enthusiasm, and Alex smiled at Ruby as she approached. "Hi," she said.

"Hi," Ruby smiled back, watching William sign his name. She frowned, peering at another name. "Who's Wine?"

"That's Uncle Winn," William told her.

"I'm telling him you said that!" Kara grinned as Oliver laughed.

"Go ahead!" William grinned back at her. "He's pretty much your little brother!"

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