The Flash ~ Fury Rogue ~ Part Three

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Heroes vs Banshee, Flash vs Blitzkrieg, and the aftermath of both battles. At least Ruby is still adorable.



With a flick of his wrist, Joe finally managed to use the switchblade hidden on him to cut through the zip ties around his wrist. "How much time do we have left on the injection?" he muttered, passing the knife to Caitlin as he watched Banshee move in front of Borman.

"Not enough," Caitlin whispered.

Banshee screamed in Borman's face, making the green radiation increase. Joe charged Banshee as Caitlin cut her ties and handed the knife to Jax, but Banshee flung him aside easily, though she dropped the cold gun in the process. She sneered at Joe, then bent down to pick up the gun.

She froze in place, though, then narrowed her eyes, looking up and around. She smirked victoriously, then screamed loudly.

The blur that was Kara and Oliver abruptly crashed into the wall, and while Kara made a large hole in the wall when she hit it, Oliver was dumped unceremoniously on the floor. Both groaned when they hit the ground, both favoring the ears that were closest to the scream. "This is for destroying my world!" Banshee declared, screaming as loud as she could at Borman.

Barry zipped in next with Leo, and Wally arrived with Laurel. When the blonde metahuman caught sight of her doppelgänger, she opened her mouth and screamed herself, hitting Banshee and knocking her away. Terrill, Mon-El, and J'onn landed with a thud, Lily between them. "The radiation!" Jax protested, even as he ran for Lily.

"Alex," Lily explained.

"Got it," Jax nodded.

As they clapped hands and merged into Firestorm, Mon-El turned to look at Borman. "How're we looking?" he asked.

"7,000 RADS," Harry warned.

"And climbing," Cisco gulped.

"Guys, you gotta cool him down!"

Leo fired his cold gun, and Caitlin grabbed Banshee's dropped gun, firing at Borman as well. As Kara stood and started using her freeze breath, Banshee climbed to her feet, looking around. When she found her own face looking at her, she roared in fury. "You bitch!"

"Takes one to know one!" Laurel sneered.

Their screams collided in midair, tossing them to opposite sides of the precinct. Barry immediately ran over to Banshee and locked metahuman cuffs around her. "Where's Sara?" he demanded.

Banshee glared at him, then let out a harsh laugh. "I couldn't care less what happened to that pathetic excuse of a canary."

Wally returned from his exploration of the building, his face pale under his mask. "I couldn't find them."

Barry looked back to see Leo, Caitlin, and Kara continue to cool Borman down, then raised a hand to his comms. "Guys, Blitzkrieg isn't here. Sara isn't, either."

"I'm checking with Gideon," Zari immediately responded.

"J'onn, do you think you can find her?" Barry turned desperately to the Martian.

"Perhaps," he nodded.

"We'll take care of these two," Laurel waved to Borman and Banshee; Barry vaguely heard Harry say something in his comms, and Mon-El placed the helmet back on Borman, containing him. "Go find that bastard."

Barry looked at Oliver as he walked over to join them, a grimace still on his face. "Nanite arrows, by chance?" he asked.

"A few," he nodded.

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