Supergirl ~ In Search of Lost Time ~ Part One

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I did not expect to have 5.6K words in the very first part . . . huh. Guess that shows how long this may turn out to be.

It's game night at the Danvers-Queen loft, Lena has things to show Sam, Mon-El has things to show Kara, and then everything goes bonkers.


Lena walked away from her computer towards the unit Sam was unconscious in, then took a deep breath. "Start recording," she ordered, and a faint beep sounded. "This is day nine with the subject. My preliminary findings show a karyokinetic anomaly, confirming my initial hypothesis that she has been transforming . . . mutating into the other. Subject remains in a medically-induced coma. However, further testing will require consciousness, so I will now end sedation on the subject." She reached over to the IV line and tapped a button. "Stop recording." The computer beeped again, and Lena took a deep breath, looking over at a picture frame of Sam and Ruby on the bedside table. "When you wake up, please be Sam," she begged.


"Go!" Lucy called, flipping over the hourglass on the table.

Felicity, Kara, James, and Winn immediately started shouting out guesses from the floor while Laurel laughed hysterically across from them, leaning back against Malcolm's legs as he laughed, too. Slade and Alex just exchanged looks and snorted in amusement, Oliver and Dig covering their mouths as they tried not to laugh too much, either. From where she was also watching on the floor, Evelyn stared around Kara's loft with wide eyes before turning to the boy next to her. "Is game night usually this . . . enthusiastic?"

"They're just getting warmed up," William grinned.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute!" J'onn protested as he and Quentin walked over. "That - that doesn't count!"

"Why?" M'yrnn asked in confusion.

"Mr. J'onzz?" William grinned as Evelyn giggled next to him. "You shapeshifted."

M'yrnn blinked, then looked down at the astronaut suit he was wearing. "Oh." Winn and Felicity both burst out laughing, Oliver grinning widely. "Human games have so many rules," the older Martian complained.

"I don't know," Dig reached over to exaggerate looking at the rules of charades. "I don't see shapeshifting anywhere in the rules."

"I agree," Lucy pointed at him.

"You know what," Alex waved it off. "It's fine. Just let him have it. We're slaughtering 'em anyway."

"Amen," Kara agreed, lifting up her wine glass, scooting back to lean against the couch. Oliver leaned down and tapped the bottom of his beer bottle against the rim of her glass, both drinking at the same time.

"The Martian Man-Father strikes again!" Winn announced dramatically as M'yrnn sat down.

Kara spat out her drink as Oliver choked on his. "Martian Man-Father?" Quentin repeated with an amused grin as Oliver coughed violently, Dig clapping him on the back.

"Fine," Winn rolled his head as he stood up. "The Martian Dad-Hunter."

Alex snorted loudly as William and Evelyn rolled on the ground laughing. "OK, the adults need more wine," Kara declared, climbing to her feet.

"Not these two!" Alex and Laurel called at the same time.

"Shut up!" Slade and Malcolm responded as if on automatic.

That just brought about a new round of laughter. "Keep playing," Kara giggled, taking her glass.

"I'll help," Oliver volunteered, standing up as well.

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