The Flash ~ True Colors

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So I was thinking about what I was going to do for the Supergirl episode, and I realized that for a variation of that plan to work, there was something that needed to happen in a show outside of Arrow and Supergirl.

So, before Earth-38, let's go over to Central City and see what's happening to our favorite scarlet speedster, eh? And if you don't want to read that . . . well, you can skip to the end for more of a hint as to what the next episode will entail.

Here's my take on the ending of "True Colors!"


Kara was woken the next morning not by an alarm going off, but by Oliver's cell phone ringing. She grumbled and tried to bury her face back into the pillows, but when Oliver woke up and turned to reach for his phone, she groaned. "Who has such horrible timing?"

Oliver picked up his phone and checked the Caller ID, then blinked in surprise. "It's a Central City number."

"What?" Kara was awake in an instant, her head shooting up.

Oliver answered the phone, putting it to his ear as Kara sat up, pulling the sheets up with her. "Hello?"

"Mr. Queen," a faintly familiar voice said. "I don't know if you remember me, but we met at my Barry and Iris's wedding."

"District Attorney Horton," Oliver identified, turning and raising an eyebrow at Kara. She just shook her head in confusion, and Oliver put his phone on speaker. "What can I do for you?"

"Actually, it's what you can do for Barry and Iris," Cecille answered. "I have . . . new evidence, in Barry's case against Clifford DeVoe."

"New evidence?" Oliver repeated.

"Yes," Cecille confirmed. "And I was thinking that you and Ms. Danvers would like to be here when I reveal it."

"Um," Oliver exchanged bewildered looks with Kara. "Is that allowed?"

"It is if I allow you in. I've also been trying to reach Captain Lance, but I'm having trouble connecting to her."

"Uh, leave that to us," Oliver blinked, trying to process everything as Kara scooted out of bed, grabbing her own phone. "Uh, we'll be there. What time?"

"Seven hours."

"Thank you, Ms. Horton." He hung up, still completely confused, even as he dialed Sara's number, grateful that Cisco had rigged all their phones to connect to the temporal zone. "What new evidence could she have?" Kara just shrugged, and Oliver sighed, straightening when Sara answered. "Hey, Sara, can you by any chance give us a ride somewhere?"


"So let me get this straight," Sara frowned as she walked with Oliver and Kara up the stairs to the Central City courthouse. "Somehow new evidence has come up in the trial that we need to be here to see?"

"That's what we've heard," Oliver nodded.

Sara stared blankly at him for a few seconds, then shook her head. "This better be good."

"I don't think we'd be called here if it wasn't," Kara remarked, Oliver gesturing them inside in front of him.

Cecille was waiting for them, a wide smile on her face. "Mr. Queen," she nodded politely. "Ms. Danvers, Captain Lance."

"Ms. Horton," Oliver nodded, shaking her hand. "Your call was quite the surprise."

"I apologize," Cecille nodded, seeming eager. "But I thought because the three of you know exactly why Barry is in Iron Heights – " She gave them each a meaningful look, and all three nodded. " – you would want to be here."

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