Supergirl ~ Legion of Super-Heroes ~ Part One

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*pokes head in* I'm baaaaaack! :D

Well, I never really went anywhere, but I'm back for this book! Hope everyone's ready to dust it off, because with Arrow finished and Supergirl nearing its twentieth episode, I think I've got enough material to work with and finally bring this back. :)

First order of business is that this will not be the last book in the series. There will be one more, which will be the finale episodes for the entire Arrowverse. Yes, that means "The Good, the Bad, and the Cuddly," "We Are The Flash," "Life Sentence," and "Supergirl Returns" will all be happening, and it will be one big team-up again.

Second order of business is assuring everyone that I will be throwing so much canon from "Life Sentence" out the window that none of you should have any concerns about dumb moves on Oliver's part. He will not be going to the FBI, and he will most certainly not be going to prison. I'm trying to give Kariver a happily ever after here, and dropping him in prison is not happily ever after.

And third order of business . . . the heroes are still recovering from Kara's brutal takedown, but Mon-El has an idea, and Kara meets - in my opinion - a very hilarious character who won me over the moment I saw him.

Enjoy the first part of "Legion of Super-Heroes," everyone!


If the heroes of Earth-1 hadn't been in and out of the medbay enough times to coax the man to leave for just a few minutes, they would have thought Oliver would have won the Guinness World Record for the longest time spent as a statue.

Not that Barry blamed him, of course. If Kara was the love of his life, he would be spending every second of every day she was in a coma by her side, too. And except for the precious few times he, Thea, and Slade could get Oliver to move, it was either himself, Sara, Slade, Malcolm, Laurel, or one of Kara's team members that took Oliver's place until the archer returned. The Earth-X invasion had proved just how much Oliver loved his fiancée, but if Barry hadn't known then, he knew for sure now.

Because while Kara looked dead, it seemed like seeing his beloved in a coma was killing Oliver slowly, too.

"Two days," Oliver finally muttered, voice slightly hoarse from having barely used it in the past few days.

"I know," was all Barry could find in him to say.

"Two days she's been like this," Oliver ground out, shaking his head. "You know, I never thought I would see her like this again after what Cadmus did to her? The Earth-Xers did a number on her, but Cadmus was awful to her. And Overgirl was powerful, but this Kryptonian?"

"We should've been more prepared, man," Barry shook his head. "She surprised all of us."

"She took Ray and Firestorm out without batting an eye, from what we could tell," Oliver deadpanned. "Your lightning did nothing to her. I don't know how much more you could have done."

Barry sighed, then looked up when footsteps entered the medbay. Oliver didn't even look away from where his hands were holding Kara's. "I'm not moving," he said.

"I'm not going to make you," Mon-El shook his head. "Just figured you may want this."

Oliver finally looked away as Mon-El held out an open water bottle for him, and Oliver finally nodded, letting go of Kara's hand with one of his, reaching out to take the drink. "Thank you."

Mon-El nodded, and Barry mouthed "thank you" to the Daxamite before heading for the door to update the others. Mon-El watched him go, then looked down at Kara and sighed. "I'd ask how she's doing, but she looks the same."

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