Supergirl ~ Of Two Evils ~ Part One

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So if I had uploaded this when I actually finished part one of this, you would have all gotten this earlier today. However, as I wanted to make sure the entire episode flowed, I waited until I got all 15.5K words written out before I gave you the first part of what, I hope, is the start of a nice rewrite of "For Good," retitled "Of Two Evils" because really, between Sam Lane and Morgan Edge, who is the lesser of two evils?

Lena Luthor meets Morgan Edge (again), Max and Lucy arrive in National City, and they reveal what General Lane is planning to the D.E.O. The question is, have they arrived too late to stop what's happening?

Enjoy the first part!


The world was burning.

Fires licked the air and rivers burned everything in their path, the black smoke rolling across the sky and blocking all light. From the darkness came Reign, a black woman in black and orange slightly behind her and to her right, another silhouetted Worldkiller behind them.

Reign's eyes lit up red –

Kara woke up with a gasp, shooting straight up in bed, her heart racing in her chest. She swallowed hard, taking in gulps of air as she looked around fearfully.

The sheets next to her rustled, and Kara jumped when she felt a hand on her arm. "Kara?" Oliver frowned as he sat up, blinking sleep out of his eyes. Kara looked around again, her heart settling as she recognized her bedroom back on Earth-38. Nothing was burning, and it was still dark outside. Kara closed her eyes, exhaling slowly. "Breathe, angel," Oliver rubbed her back comfortingly. "What happened?"

Kara took a few deep breaths, reaching for his hand. Oliver took it with his free one, and Kara scooted closer to him. "Nightmare," she whispered. "It was the Worldkillers."

"Plural?" Oliver raised an eyebrow.

Kara nodded. "I saw three of them."

"Power, Pestilence, and Purity," Oliver recalled from what Kara told him the priestess had declared.

Kara nodded again, leaning her head on his shoulder. "I couldn't make out one of them at all," she said. "The other one didn't wear a mask, but I couldn't recognize her."

"We'll get to the D.E.O. in the morning and figure it out," Oliver stroked her back. "OK?"

"OK," Kara agreed, her breath finally evened out.

"OK," Oliver nodded, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. "It's all right, angel."

Kara swallowed again, working moisture back into her mouth as she laid back down, Oliver settling next to her. She rolled over into side, and Oliver wrapped his arm around her waist, tugging her closer. Kara rested her head on his chest, taking a few deeper breaths, Oliver's heartbeat strong and comforting in her ear, lulling her back to sleep.


"You OK, Oliver?" Mon-El frowned, he and the archer meeting each other as they came down opposite stairwells.

"Yeah," Oliver nodded, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Just a bad night of sleep."

Mon-El winced sympathetically. "Those suck."

"Tell me about it," Oliver agreed as they headed to where Kara, J'onn, and Winn were.

"The Worldkillers are still out there," Kara was saying.

"The city has been quiet ever since your mission to Fort Rozz," J'onn shrugged.

"Yeah, I mean, we've been trying to track Kryptonian heat signatures, but all we're coming up with is you and your cousin," Winn nodded. "Which, I will say though, is nice, because I know where he is."

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