The Flash ~ Girls Night Out ~ Part Three

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Well, it's tomorrow right now, in my time zone. :P

The ladies head out to save the day, the guys are stuck in jail, and everything turns out all right in the end with some nice Kariver fluff since they were separated pretty much the entire episode. :)



Caitlin was sitting in the cortex, trying to stitch her wound when Iris walked in. "Let me help you," the bride-to-be whispered. When Caitlin opened her mouth to deny help, Iris insisted, "please."

Caitlin sighed, acquiescing. "OK. It's already knotted, you just have to pull it tight." Iris nodded, bending down and taking the tweezers, pulling the thread. "Thanks," Caitlin whispered.

"Yeah," Iris nodded, setting the tweezers down.

"What happened?" Caitlin asked timidly.

"You don't remember?" Iris asked, surprised.

"When she's in control, I don't remember much of what happens," Caitlin admitted. "Did she . . . I hurt anyone?"

"Just that snake-eyed scumbag," Iris answered, and Caitlin scoffed. "Didn't kill him, though. So, the cure . . . it – "

"Didn't work," Caitlin said bitterly. "Not all the way."

"Which is why you wanted to leave tonight?" Iris guessed, and Caitlin sighed, nodding slightly. "And why it took you six months to come back?"

"When Cisco said he was gonna get Barry back from the Speed Force, I thought that maybe I could come back and make up for some of the pain that I caused," Caitlin explained. "But she's getting stronger." She scoffed, closing her eyes and shaking her head. "I never should've come back."

"That's not true, Caitlin," Iris shook her head. "You can always come back to your friends. Why didn't you tell any of us?"

"I didn't know who to talk to," Caitlin admitted.

"Could've talked to me," Iris offered. "I'm your friend, Caitlin."

"Work friend," Caitlin corrected. "I mean, it's not like you and I have become besties over the last few years."

"Yeah, I guess we haven't," Iris admitted, sighing.


"Hey!" Ralph perked up when a security guard walked past the cell. "Jerry! Buddy! We gonna get that phone call or what?" The guard just kept on walking. "Hey! Come on, man! I know you can hear me!" he sang. "I'm right here! Hello!" He scoffed, turning around and walking back alongside the bars. "OK, great."

"You just know everybody, don't you?" Cisco scowled from where he sat on the bench, another inmate asleep on his shoulder.

"I've been in here a few times," Ralph nodded, then examined the bars. "You know, I could wiggle through these bars and get us out of here. Maybe make my finger into a key . . . that'd be pretty sweet. A lot of pressure put on the index finger, though. Iron versus flesh! What do you think?" he asked, sitting down by Cisco.

"I think you should stop talking," Cisco deadpanned. "Immediately."


Over by the toilet, Barry finished throwing up again and groaned in pain, holding his head as Joe patted his back comfortingly. "Ugh," he grimaced. "I don't ever have to drink again."

"Words uttered by everybody who's ever had too many," Joe couldn't help but smirk, holding out a towel. "Here."

"Ugh," Barry winced, unfolding the towel to wipe his mouth. "This was a bust, huh?"

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