Arrow ~ Shifting Allegiances ~ Part Three

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Last part of the episode! The combined teams take down the Quadrant's operation, Oliver meets Diaz face to face and then some, Dinah and Evelyn come to terms, and we find out what Kara, William, and Ruby have been up to.



Dig shook his head, watching crates be loaded into one of the trucks with his binoculars. "If Diaz and the Quadrant ship even one of those crates out," Dinah began.

"They'll be arming their syndicates with weapons and tinder for high-tech warfare," Dig finished. "Yeah, I got it."

"The drone is three minutes out," one of Lyla's top A.R.G.U.S. agents told Dig. "It won't circle long."

"OK, folks, we have a window," Dig said, watching everyone else file closer. "Their weapons are equipped with stealth adaptors, making them invisible to ASMs." He looked at Curtis and Mon-El, holding out a set of tags. "You know what to do."

"You guys provide us with cover fire, we'll tag all the trucks by hand so the drones know where to aim," Curtis nodded.

The A.R.G.U.S. agent looked at Dig. "Maybe we should paint the targets?"

Dig gave him an annoyed look, and Mon-El chuckled. "That's cute."

"Olympic decathlon medalist and indestructible alien here," Curtis gestured between himself in Mon-El. "We got this."

"I'll take far end, you take this," Mon-El pointed.

"Copy that," Curtis nodded. Mon-El leapt into the sky, and as everyone else moved into position, Curtis reached out and tapped Evelyn on the shoulder. "Hey," he said, making her look at him. "Watch out, OK?"

Evelyn smiled hesitantly at him. "Are you starting to care?"

Curtis sighed mockingly. "Don't make me regret it."

Evelyn gave him a wide grin before running towards the end of the line, where Mon-El was heading.


Oliver felt himself be guided by two of Anatoli's men, then he was stopped and the bag was ripped off his head. Oliver squinted to get used to the light, then Anatoli dismissed his men in Russian, looking hard at Oliver. "You say I betray myself working with Diaz," he said. "I think much on this."

"And?" Oliver asked.

"You may be right," Anatoli conceded, then his eyes hardened. "But I realize moment things went wrong: last year when I trusted you to bring me into city. So if I betray myself, Kapiushon, it is because you . . . you betrayed me first." Oliver swallowed hard, then Diaz opened the doors to the next room. "Diaz is here."

Oliver watched Anatoli step inside, then followed after him, mind racing as he took his words in.


The roar of the drone overhead made Curtis look up, then he looked down the line to see Mon-El nod at him. He nodded back, then launched his T-sphere at the trucks, watching it fly through windows and distract the armed men guarding the trucks. Mon-El tagged the first truck at his end when they were looking Curtis's way, and when the men rushed towards Mon-El, Curtis started tagging trucks from his end.

The guards were on Mon-El from the get go, but the Daxamite shrugged their bullets off and sighed, bringing his fist up and whamming one of the men coming up on him from behind. "I'll never understand why they think punching works if bullets don't," he shook his head, tagging another truck.

Curtis jumped off of one truck onto another, tagging it next, and Dig shot down the man about to shoot Curtis, Dinah screaming at another one. Mon-El jumped from truck to truck, easily planting his tags, Evelyn switching between using her bow to smack men down and shoot them down. Dinah turned to take down another guard with her staff when the shrill sound of Evelyn's Canary Cry made her wince and turn around. The gunman who had tried sneaking up on her was covering his ears, and Dinah quickly hit him to make him fall down as well. Dinah panted and looked back up at Evelyn, who gave her a quick thumbs up. Dinah returned the gesture, rushing off to find someone new to attack.

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