Arrow ~ The Thanatos Guild ~ Part Two

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Team SuperArrow meets Athena, many conversations are had, and Curtis meets Nick.


"I can't sense anyone," Kara looked around as the large group entered the building.

"Overwatch, Telle, can you confirm?" Oliver asked.

"Always trust the Kryptonian," Felicity answered. "But yes, it is just all . . . well, all of you. You're too big of a group to count."

Nyssa had to agree as she surveyed how many had come. She had just been expecting Oliver and Malcolm; she had not realized Slade, Dig, Roy, Alex, Mon-El, and James would join them with gear for Laurel and Thea. "Be cautious," she warned as she and Malcolm took the lead. "My father would have laid traps to protect this place."

"Ooo, traps," Winn's voice sounded excited. "Now we're talking. 'Raiders' or 'Temple of Doom?'"

"Calm down," J'onn's voice broke through.

"Yep, calming down."

"Hey," Roy slid past most of the group to join Thea, who was shifting about anxiously. "You OK?"

"Yeah," she sighed. "I will be once this is all over with."

"Yeah," Roy agreed. "Me, too."

His foot landed on a plate, and Kara perked up. "Get down!" she yelled.

Nyssa, Malcolm, Thea, and Roy hit the ground as Kara and Mon-El shielded Oliver and Dig, James raising his shield to cover Alex, Slade maneuvering so he pushed Laurel out of the way and against the wall. Malcolm looked up first, taking in the arrows that peppered the wall around Kara, Mon-El, and James, then nodded shakily at her. "Thank you."

"Yeah, any time," she nodded back.

"A trap," Nyssa eyed the arrows. "Excellent."

"That's an interesting definition of excellent," Mon-El frowned.

"I think she means in terms of how close we are," Malcolm said, helping Thea to her feet.

"Oh," Mon-El nodded. "Well . . . excellent, then."

Dig pressed a button on the side of his helmet, looking around. "Thermal imaging is showing that what we're looking at is what we've got," he said. "No hallways, no doors."

"Looks can be deceiving," Malcolm shook his head, and Thea and Roy turned to see him eyeing the floor. "I had a secret chamber in my office to hide my gear when I was CEO. Where do you think I got that idea from?"

Kara looked down at the ground, then tapped with her boot. "Here."

Nyssa smiled. "Clever." She looked up at Kara. "May I?"

"All yours," she gestured, stepping back.

Nyssa took out a vial and smashed it on the ground, and Laurel and James flinched away from the small explosion it caused when it hit the ground. When the smoke hissed and cleared, Malcolm chuckled. "Oh, that's very clever."

"What is it?" Slade tilted his head.

"Iodine dixonium," Nyssa answered. "A component magnetically attracted to the same type of steel my father used to encase relics."

"A secret of the family, or a secret of the Demon's Head?" Oliver asked.

"Yes," Malcolm shrugged.

Dig snorted. "Just when you think you know everything about these guys."

"Welcome to the League of Assassins," Malcolm snorted.

Nyssa pulled out a knife and crouched down on the ground, digging it into the crack that had formed. "Al Sa-her?"

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