Supergirl ~ Trinity ~ Part Two

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I feel like I spoil everyone sometimes when I update way past midnight on the night before classes. You guys are lucky I really get into writing sometimes.

And since it seems like I need to keep saying this . . . I try never to promise when an update is going to happen. I'm in school, I'm very busy, and I never know when something's going to pop up in my schedule that could change my writing plans. I also never know when something may take more time to write than I expect, which happens a lot. So please, please, please, please do not ask me for when you think I may update again because the simple answer is going to be I don't know. The worst is asking for an update an hour or so right after I publish an update. Usually when I finish a chapter I update it right away and I haven't even started on the next chapter, so there is no way I'm going to update back to back unless it's an episode I've said in the first update that I've completed in its entirety, like "Of Two Evils."

Believe me, I work as hard as I can to finish these chapters so everyone can enjoy them, and I'm certain that all of you, just like me, value the quality of these chapters more than how quickly they get out. I would much rather give you a chapter I've written to the best of my ability a week, or two, or even longer after the previous update than giving you one within two or three days that is complete garbage. I would much rather give you my best, so please allow me the time to write it.

Now, on that note . . . Kara, Alex, and Lena venture into the dark valley to find Sam, Oliver has a chat with J'onn and Mon-El each, and where exactly are the Legends again?


Kara heard two gasps mingled with hers as she woke up, and when she did, she saw all black around her, including the sky and trees. She swallowed hard, fighting a shiver. "We're here," she whispered.

Lena slowly stood, looking around. "This is . . . " She completed a circle, trying to find the words to say. "This is impressive," she settled on.

"This is Juru," Kara told her.

There was a cracking noise from behind them, and they turned to see Alex snap a few sticks off one of the trees. "Are those for Sam and Julia?" Lena asked.

"It's for whatever might be around," Alex answered, climbing over a few fallen branches to join them.

Lena frowned, scratching her head. "I don't even know if anything here can get injured."

Alex hummed. "Sorry in advance."

"What?" Lena frowned, then yelped when Alex jabbed her with one of the sticks. "Ow!"

"Yeah, we're good," Alex nodded, smiling as she held up the stick. "This one. I like it. It's mine."

"Thanks," Kara took the stick offered to her, then bracing herself, dragged the stick across her palm. She hissed, making both women look at her. "Yep," she held up her now bleeding hand. "This place bites."

"Ouch," Lena winced sympathetically.

Alex nodded in agreement, then caught sight of something past Kara. "Oh, my God."

"What?" Kara asked, turning to look.

She gasped when she saw the woman lying in the mist. "That's Grace," Alex gulped.

"Who?" Lena frowned.

"She's the human form of Pestilence," Kara answered.

Lena swallowed hard, looking down at her. "She's dead."

"Which means that we're running out of time with Sam and Julia," Alex nodded.

Kara looked around, then pointed. "They headed this direction."

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