Arrow ~ Collision Course ~ Part Three

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I don't know why I tortured myself with finishing this at 5:00 in the morning. I think it's because I was too excited to stop and because it's now Saturday morning and I can sleep the rest of the day away if I so choose.

Anyway . . . here you guys go! It's Dark Team Arrow against the Outsiders and the aftermath that follows.



Laurel paced the living area of the cabin anxiously, already feeling adrenaline pump through her veins. She had never fought former allies before. She didn't count Prometheus, as she hadn't actually fought him. That had been all Kara. But this was Rene, Curtis, and Dinah, the people she, Malcolm, and Slade had replaced on Oliver's team. They were also the trio who thought of Evelyn one way and refused to see any other way, and they had just tried to disable a piece of technology that would hinder another teammate just so they could find out where they were.

That made this much easier.

"Relax," a voice cut through her anxiety, and Laurel spun on her heel to see Malcolm sitting at the table, examining an arrowhead. "We don't have anything to worry about."

"I admire your confidence," Laurel muttered.

Malcolm looked up from his work, raising an eyebrow. "You don't have any?"

"I do," Laurel assured him. "That doesn't make me less restless."

"Touché," he conceded.

Laurel got another look at the arrowhead. "Sonic dampener arrow?"

"Yeah," Malcolm nodded, standing up and twirling the arrow around in his hand. "From Oliver's quiver. I don't think he ever thought it would be used against Dinah, though."

"Six months ago, I never would have thought so, either," Laurel shook her head.

Malcolm looked up at her. "You'll be fine if I use this, right?"

Laurel gave him a dubious look. "This isn't a Worldkiller, Malcolm."

Malcolm held up his hands placatingly. "I'm simply looking out for you," he said.

"I'm not worried about Dinah," Laurel shook her head. "We're matched evenly. It's getting hit by another bullet that's my main concern right now."

"And that's why the mercenary with the bulletproof armor is going to be facing Rene," Malcolm smirked. "If Rene gets past Slade, I'll eat my sword."

Laurel snorted. "That's a pretty image. So you can handle Curtis?"

"Don't worry about me," Malcolm told her. "Worry about yourself first."

Laurel licked her lips. "I can't help it."

Malcolm quirked an eyebrow. "So the Siren has feelings after all."

Laurel ground her teeth together. "Oh, why did I bother?" she huffed, turning to go.

Malcolm's cybernetic hand reached out and grabbed her wrist, stopping her. "Hey," he said quietly, and Laurel turned to look up at him, her green eyes meeting his blue ones. "Curtis isn't going to be a match for me. It's you I'm more worried about, too."

Laurel bit her lip. "I'll watch your back if you watch mine?"

Malcolm smirked. "Just like always, right?"

Laurel grinned back. "Just like always."


Oliver watched Kara speak quietly with Evelyn, explaining how the breaches worked, then shook his head. "I don't like this."

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