Arrow ~ Docket No. 11-19-41-73 ~ Part One

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Happy holidays, everyone! My gift to you: the first part of Oliver's trial!

The prosecution goes first, Diaz thinks he's really clever (he's not), and J'onn is a good papa bear.



There were times Oliver was grateful for his fiancée's super strength, especially in a fight, but her tight grip on his hand and arm as Jean led them through the courthouse made him start to lose all feeling in his left arm. He didn't complain, though, considering he was holding onto her hand as tightly as he could, trying to ignore the clamor of reporters around them shouting questions at them.

The officer finally opened the door at the end of the hall for them, and as soon as they were inside, Kara released Oliver turning to glare out the door. "I hope to never become a reporter as bloodthirsty as they are," she declared.

"As long as I'm never your subject, be as bloodthirsty as you want," Oliver rubbed feeling back into his arm.

"Thank you, officer," Jean said as the officer closed the door behind them. "You can wait outside."

"I'm right where Mr. Diaz wants me," the officer said plainly.

Jean scowled and turned around, hand on her hip. "I need to have a privileged conversation with my client."

"Nobody's stopping you," he shrugged.

Jean looked at Oliver incredulously, who just sighed and shook his head, sitting down. Jean sat down as well, Kara perching on the edge of the table, her hand on Oliver's shoulder. "Since the resignation of District Attorney Armand, the D.A.'s office has brought an outside counsel to prosecute," Jean told him.

"OK, good news, that could be someone not in Diaz's pocket," Kara said, glaring at the officer by the door.

"Have you heard of Alexa Van Owen?" Jean raised an eyebrow.

"Guessing that's the bad news," Oliver looked at Kara as she took her phone out of her pocket, quickly searching.

She gulped. "Um, she took down Intergang and Bruno Mannheim . . . she's prosecuted CEOs and serial killers, and she has CIA-caliber investigators that say they can find anything and everything." She took a deep breath, putting her phone down. "Her conviction rate is 99%."

"She called me last night, and she offered a plea," Jean informed Oliver. "Single count of first-degree manslaughter." When both Oliver and Kara looked at her expectantly, she cleared her throat. "With a fifteen-year minimum sentence."

"We're not taking that," Kara said at once.

"We're not taking any deal," Oliver said at the same time, Kara sighing in relief that they were on the same page.

"Look, Van Owen isn't in Diaz's pocket, but we have every reason to believe that Judge McGarvey is," Jean told Oliver. "I mean, this whole system is against you."

"No deal," Oliver said firmly. "Get me an acquittal."


"I'm not doing it, Rene," Dinah shook her head as they jogged down the stairs into their bunker. "I'm not playing make believe with you."

"It's a mock trial, not make believe, and we got to get our stories straight," Rene insisted.

"Well, I'm planning on pleading the fifth," Dinah told him. "Did you have a different amendment in mind?"

"We can't plead the fifth without looking guilty," Rene pointed out.

"We are guilty!" Dinah huffed in exasperation. "We are vigilantes, and we know Oliver is the Green Arrow."

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