Arrow ~ Divided ~ Part Two

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A bit of a look into the former members of Team Arrow's lives, and it's the current Team Arrow versus Cayden James . . . and company.


Kara walked through the halls of A.R.G.U.S. until she reached the office area where Felicity and Dig were waiting. She knocked and walked in, then stopped when she saw Felicity looked dead on her feet. "I could call Winn and ask him to help?" she suggested sheepishly, holding up a memory block.

Felicity blinked exhaustion from her eyes and straightened. "Better than Oliver would have done."

"Yeah, and the others," Kara agreed, handing her the drive. "That was given to us by Jerry Bertinelli. According to Malcolm, the port is the only thing the Bertinelli has left. Cayden James and Evelyn Sharpe are trying to take it from them."

"So we're getting in bed with the Bertinellis now?" Dig asked incredulously.

"I remember the last time we got in bed with one of the Bertinellis," Felicity began, only to blanch when Kara arched an eyebrow at her, daring her to say anything more. She quickly cleared her throat and turned back around, hastily working to plug in the block. "Not a good thing to say to the boss's superpowered fiancée . . . "

"Two nights ago, they paid Bertinelli a visit," Kara continued as if Felicity hadn't spoken. "This is the security footage. They made a threat against his daughter."

"Well, what's on here might help us locate them," Felicity nodded.

"That's the plan," Kara nodded.

Felicity pulled up footage on her computer, raising an eyebrow when she saw the car on screen. "Well, what about a license plate?"

She clicked on it, and Kara and Dig leaned forward, watching the plate clear. "Old school," Dig remarked. "I like it."

"Little bit of old school combined with some new school, and I'm about to find us this Cayden James needle in the Star City haystack," Felicity promised.

"Thank you," Kara smiled, standing up. "And now I'm going to make sure Oliver actually does sleep tonight."

"We are forever in your debt," Dig chuckled.

"Just looking out for him!" Kara grinned, heading out the door. "Happy hunting!"


"Then I was thinking after school, we could hit up the zoo," Rene told his daughter excitedly the next morning. "They have this new reptile room with a Komodo dragon. Thing's so big, it could eat a cow. That's dope, right?"

"I guess so," Zoe nodded, a distracted smile on her face.

"What's up, sweets?" Rene bent down in concern. "I thought you were all about this animal stuff."

"I am, but . . . " Zoe fidgeted slightly. "Why aren't you going into work today?"

"I's . . . " Rene fumbled with what to say. "Going through a little transitional period."

"Will I have to leave again?" Zoe asked worriedly.

"Hey," Rene came around to come face to face with her. "No one will ever take you away from me ever again." Zoe smiled happily at Rene, who turned when there was a knock at the door. He walked over and opened it, nodding when he saw Curtis on the other side. "What's up, dawg?"

"What's up, dawg?" Curtis nodded back, entering and holding up a paper bag. "I brought crogurts."

"Crogurts?" Rene repeated.

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