Arrow ~ We Fall ~ Part Three

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Oliver and Kara get some much needed advice, William learns, Mon-El and Imra have clear opinions, and promises are made.

Enjoy the final part of "We Fall!"


"You're looking much less armored up."

Slade raised an eyebrow, not looking up from the gun he was examining. "The city's under siege, and my mask is the one that led a siege a few years ago," he explained simply. "Might be a good idea to sit this siege out."

"Touché," Malcolm nodded thoughtfully, leaning against the rail by him and checking over his own gear. "And then the year after that . . . "

Slade smirked. "I'm also not exactly subtle in my work, wizard."

"Magician," Malcolm rolled his eyes, making Slade chuckle. "Well, I guess as long as I keep out of sight."

"You're good at that."

"Thanks. I think."

"You're w – "

Malcolm looked up from his bow, tilting his head when he saw Slade frown. "What?" he lowered his voice.

Slade's frown turned into a scowl, and he ever so slightly pointed behind them. Malcolm causally leaned against the railing, tilting his head to hear better, and picked up what was being discussed between Dig and Felicity. " – putting the hood back on?" Felicity was saying.

"Yeah," Dig admitted.

"I'm sure you will," Felicity assured him, making Slade and Malcolm exchange wary glances. "You know, once this whole Cayden thing is dealt with."

"I hope so," Dig sighed.

Malcolm turned back to Slade, seeing his scowl deepen. "I think we both agree on who we prefer to be wearing the hood," the assassin remarked as casually as he could.

"Damn right," Slade growled lowly, turning to look over at where William was sitting at the table. "But we need to keep William in mind, too."

"We will," Malcolm nodded, turning to Slade. "If there's one thing in common we have with Oliver, it's that we're both fathers. We'll get Oliver back to his son."

Slade nodded in agreement, clasping the hand Malcolm extended to him. "That we will."

"Hey, boys," Laurel called from the platform, making them look up. "You'll want to see this."

"Will," Lena called, pushing away from her computer. "Your dad's on TV."

William hurried up to stand with Alex as James reached over, turning up the sound on the screen. 


"A hacker, goes by the name Cayden James, has taken over the electronic infrastructure of Star City," Oliver began, looking out over the crowd of reporters in front of him. "In his hands, anything, anything that is connected to the Internet, can be used as a weapon. Now, sadly, this has already led to a number of casualties, including our police captain, Frank Pike, and Councilman Harold Grovner. But Mr. James has made his demands, but make no mistake – he is a terrorist, and Star City does not negotiate with terrorists, period. Instead, we are gonna focus on the safety and well-being of our citizens. In that spirit, the SCPD has set up safe houses throughout the city. These locations are entirely analog, and you will be safe there. I promise you, you will be safe there." He straightened to his full height and looked directly into the lens of the nearest camera. "Mr. James, Star City has survived far worse than you. We will band together, we will be united, and we will survive this." He turned back to the press and nodded politely. "Thank you very much."

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