Arrow ~ Fallout ~ Part One

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Finals are done, I can finally breathe, and now I've got an entire month of no school. :) It's awesome. So, while I'm on break, I'll update when I'm not hanging with family. Don't expect a straight schedule of any kind. These could come at any moment.

Now, off to Star City we go! Team Arrow gets the guy, and find out who's replacing Black Siren as the villain for the first part of the season.



At the waterfront docks in Star City, one man particularly close to the water suddenly grunted in pain, falling to the ground with an arrow in his chest. The other four men on the dock approached the water, firing down into it.

A moment later, all four were shot with arrows, and the leader of the Star City vigilantes propelled out of the water and landed on the dock, firing at the three remaining. He took a look around before shaking his head. "I'm on site," Oliver said. "No sign of Faust."


Dig flipped a henchman head over heels, knocking him out. "He's not at his last known, either," he reported.

"Well, his ordinance is."

"If Faust is moving from bombs to missiles, it makes you wonder what else he's changed up."

"Exactly. Stay sharp."

There was a gunshot behind him, and Dig turned to see another henchman had been sneaking up behind him. He heard the click of a reloading gun, and Dig looked the other way to see Rene walk up. "Boss said stay sharp, Hoss," Rene told him.


Oliver found another henchman, engaging him in hand to hand. The man, however, knocked Oliver to the ground, holding him still. "Faust, it's clear!" he called.

"Apologies!" Faust looked over the railing from the next level up. "Won't be but a minute!" He tapped something on the tablet he held, then walked towards the ladder to head down. "If you have the opportunity, please advise your mayor next time someone threatens to launch a ballistic missile at his city, he really should pay up."

Faust tapped something on his tablet, and the missile on the next level launched. At the same time, Oliver tucked and rolled away from the henchman, knocking him to the floor. It took one tranquilizer arrow to knock him out. "Disappointing," Faust frowned, only to gasp in pain when Oliver fired two arrows at him, pinning him to the dock. "That's an MGM-140. It's fire and forget! You can't stop it, you can't disarm it!"

Oliver turned back to watch the missile. "No," he shook his head. "But I have a very smart friend who can."


From a few buildings over, Curtis watched the missile fly over his head before he launched one of his T-spheres after it. "My T-sphere's spoofed the missile's guidance system," he called. "I'm drawing it back to the water!"


Oliver watched the missile explode over the water, remembering the last time he had seen an explosion as impressive as that. "You look troubled," Faust noted. "As if detonation stirred unpleasant memories."


Cars went careening when a breach opened up in the middle of the street. Cisco and Oliver jumped out, Oliver in full Green Arrow gear, Kara and Clark flying out to hover in the air. "This is it," Cisco nodded up at the building in front of them.

Clark squinted, only to groan in annoyance. "Of course. Lined with lead."

"I hate lead," Kara grimaced.

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