Arrow ~ We Fall ~ Part Two

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I had to rewatch this episode to actually make sure I knew how to let this episode play out. I can now safely say I'm comfortable with writing this out.

Reinforcements arrive from Earth-38, a certain secret gets out, and there's trouble amongst NTA.


Dig whistled lowly, watching Mon-El and Imra train together, both of them in D.E.O. issued jumpsuits for the time being. "You two are not pulling your punches, are you?"

"What's the point in that?" Mon-El grunted, ducking a swing from Imra.

Felicity groaned suddenly, making Dig turn around. "You OK?"

Felicity looked up from where her face was in her hands. "I have tried every trick to counter-hack what Cayden is doing, and I am completely boxed out."

"And we've figured out why," Winn gestured between himself and Querl.

"Yes," Querl nodded. "It's her fault."

Dig blinked. "Excuse me?"

Winn glowered at Querl, who blinked as well. "Was that insensitive again?"

"Brainy," Imra hissed.

Winn smacked him away, turning back to Dig. "We weren't here for this, but when you guys stopped an Internet vault from blowing up?"

"Uh huh," Dig nodded.

"It appears that that was all just a ruse," Winn sighed. "Cayden just wanted you guys to think that people were in trouble so that Felicity would break through his firewall."

"Except instead of blocking him, she actually helped him plant a virus, and because of that, Cayden James now has complete control of the entire city," Querl nodded.

Felicity nodded numbly, her face still in her hands. "A hack-cident is killing one person every eighteen minutes, and I have no idea how to stop it," she mumbled.

Winn patted her back, then looked up when he heard Oliver's voice. "We do," the vigilante said, walking up to them, with Kara, James, Slade, Malcolm, and Laurel behind him. "Thanks to Cayden James, who was kind enough to pay me a visit at City Hall."

"What'd he want?" Dig narrowed his eyes.

"He wants $10 million a day," Oliver answered.

Slade snorted. "Doesn't sound like the type of man to extort money from you, kid."

"He said he wasn't in it for the money," Kara shook her head.

"Kara's right," Oliver nodded. "That is not the actionable part. He told me the details of his son's death. He was killed one year ago today. Cayden thinks that he was collateral damage from a fight that I had in Star City."

Mon-El frowned, seeing confusion on Dig's and Felicity's faces. "I'm guessing that's not possible?"

"No," Felicity shook her head. "Oliver, you were in Hub City recruiting Dinah."

"Yep," Oliver confirmed.

"If Cayden James is motivated by revenge, maybe we can get him to stand down," Dig suggested.

"Well, I like that idea because I have no way of stopping him my way, and I have no location for you to find him your way," Felicity sighed.

"Brainy, can you help her on that front?" Mon-El asked.

Querl nodded in confirmation, pulling up a chair of his own. "This is not technology from the 31st century, but I know a few tricks that may help."

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