Arrow ~ All For Nothing ~ Part Two

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Once you get back in the swing of writing, it gets much easier to write extra characters in . . . imagine that.

Vincent starts his extremely dangerous missing, Kara, Mon-El, and Imra have very clear opinions on New Team Arrow, and Laurel finally gets to chat with Evelyn.


When Curtis, Dinah, and Rene emerged from the elevator into the bunker, they were greeted by the sight of Oliver and Kara by the railing on the tech level, Mon-El on Kara's right, Dig leaning against the metal beam on Oliver's left, Imra behind them. Felicity and Querl were by their stations. And all of them were watching them enter. "Nice," Curtis smiled nervously, trying to ease the tension. "Love what you guys haven't done with the place."

"Because your approval is what we strive for." Kara's voice dripped with sarcasm, making Mon-El smirk.

"Let's get this over with," Dinah grumbled.

"We, uh, turned your room into a home gym because," Felicity began, a smile on her face, which began to fade because of the dubious looks given to her by the three others. "Because this extremely awkward situation needs to be masked with humor."

"Why?" Querl knitted his eyebrows in confusion.

"I think what she means to say is welcome back," Dig cut in.

"We have the inside man, you have the tech," Rene shrugged. "That's the only reason we're back, Hoss."

"You're down a few members," Curtis remarked, looking around.

"J'onn, Alex, and Winn are at the D.E.O. right now and are trying to make progress on another bigger problem," Oliver said. "Lena is . . . " He looked at Kara, watching her bite her lip and look down. "Similarly occupied," he went with, because while he didn't know what exactly Lena's plans were regarding Sam, he knew she would do what it took to try and get her friend cured of Reign.

"And your attack dogs?" Dinah asked snidely.

"Watch it," Kara's eyes narrowed to slits.

She would have barged forward if her fiancé hadn't put a calming hand on her arm. "Otherwise occupied," Oliver deflected. "But it's important to our situation."

"But it wouldn't surprise me if they simply wanted to avoid the room," Imra folded her arms.

Dinah bristled, looking at the woman who had barged in on their operation when Cayden's attacks just began. "Oh?" she asked. "And why's that?"

Imra just tapped the side of her head. "You're broadcasting," she answered simply. "I'm getting a headache just being in the same room with you lot, and I haven't gotten past your thoughts of . . . oh," she blinked innocently. "I probably shouldn't say that."

Mon-El's laughter turned into a coughing fit at the disturbed look on Curtis's face and the utterly stupefied looks on Rene's and Dinah's. "Ah, my wife," he grinned, rubbing his hands together. "Oh, I'm enjoying this."

"That makes one of us," Kara muttered, and Oliver squeezed her arm comfortingly.

"So you're reading our minds?" Dinah snapped.

"It's hard to ignore someone shouting at you," Imra raised an eyebrow coolly.

Dinah shut her mouth with a click, fuming. "Could we get back on topic before this gets any worse?" Dig looked between the two women.

"Is Vince on site?" Oliver changed the topic.

"Should be as of five minutes ago," Dinah nodded curtly. "That is if everything goes according to plan."

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