Arrow ~ Thanksgiving ~ Part Three

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Team Arrow makes their stand against Cayden James, Kara finally gets to chat with Watson, and the teams finally get to celebrate the holiday.

Enjoy part three!


Dig looked up from what he was doing when the door to his room opened, and he frowned when Oliver entered. "Come back for round two?" he asked sarcastically.

"No," Oliver shook his head instantly. "No." He closed the door behind him, then said, "Back to apologize. You said you put my family in front of yours. You did. Then I asked you to put on the hood to make things better with my son, and I . . . " He sighed. "I didn't give proper consideration to yours. I'm truly sorry."

Dig nodded slowly as Oliver sat down. "I was thinking about William today," he said. "A lot. And you getting arrested in front of him . . . how's he doing?"

"Oh, he's fine," Oliver smiled. "He's a tough kid." Dig smirked at that. "But he is very grateful and thankful that you are the Green Arrow so I don't have to be."

"Don't know how much longer I can keep doing that," Dig admitted. "Especially in the short-term."

"You get your test results back?" Oliver asked curiously.

"Yeah," Dig took a deep breath, sitting down across from Oliver. "The nerve damage in my arm spread to my back. And because of the steroid use, I caused permanent damage. If I continue out in the field, I could end up paralyzed."

"Oh, John," Oliver pinched the bridge of his nose, squeezing his eyes shut. "I . . . I really wish you hadn't have gone to these lengths for me."

Dig chuckled softly. "Well, now it's my turn to apologize to you." Oliver frowned in confusion, listening as his friend explained. "I should've never said that I was doing it for you. You remember last year when the Dominators put us into this alternate Star City?"

"Yeah," Oliver smirked. "Kind of difficult to forget."

"That's right," Dig chuckled. "You have one hell of a story to tell in the case of How I Met My Girlfriend."

"Yeah," Oliver said slowly, nodding. "I sure do."

Dig frowned, wondering what that response meant, but continued on. "We got to see what our perfect life would be. Mine was being the Green Arrow. So you asking me to take the mantle was not selfish. It was giving me the one thing in the world that I never knew I wanted."

Oliver shook his head, hiding a smile. "Wow."

"Now," Dig leaned forward. "Your perfect life is looking a bit different than it was advertised."

"Yeah, just a little bit," Oliver chuckled, a fond smile on his face. "I loved Laurel – this Earth's Laurel – and a part of me always will . . . but Kara . . . " He shook his head. "I see her with William, and I see just how good she is, and I always wonder if I'm good enough for her. You know what kind of scares me, John?" He tilted his head, and Oliver looked right at him. "There's nothing I wouldn't do for her. The only other people I've truly felt that way for are William and Thea."

"You love her, Oliver," Dig smiled. "That's not something to be scared of." He leaned forward. "You also reacted when I said How I Met My Girlfriend."

"Yeah," Oliver nodded slowly before turning to him. "Keep a secret, John?"

"Depends on the secret," Dig tilted his head. "What's wrong?"

"Absolutely nothing," Oliver shook his head, leaning forward as well. "I just don't plan on calling Kara my girlfriend much longer."

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