Supergirl ~ Of Two Evils ~ Part Three

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Team SuperArrow tries to save Supergirl and bring down Edge and Lane. Luckily, they've got a bit of help.



"She's gonna confront Edge at the gala?" J'onn asked in surprise as everyone convened back by the main console.

"She'll get him to do it in front of all the heaviest hitters in National City," Lena nodded. "Everyone will see the Girl of Steel be just like she was when she was Red K-ed before, scaring the living daylights out of a civilian. That's more the vigilantes' style than hers." She paused, then winced. "No offense."

"None taken," Oliver smirked.

"That was a compliment," Laurel chuckled.

"So we need to get to the gala first and get a confession from him before Kara gets to him," Winn nodded.

"And when she shows up, we hit her with the cure," Max walked up. "I just finished running a few tests. It's raring to go."

"My father will be there, too," Lucy warned. "He'll be there to take her down."

"So we'll be trying to hit her with the cure while she's trying to avoid being killed by Lane," Oliver frowned, tapping a finger on the console. "We'll never be able to keep up with her."

"Imra and I could try and help," Mon-El offered. "I mean, I don't know if we're fast enough to shoot Kara with the cure, but we could try and keep her in place, or keep the army off her."

Oliver, however, started to smile. "You don't need to be fast enough." He looked up, grinning widely. "We already know someone who would win in a speed duel against Kara."


"This is one thing I don't regret leaving behind in National City," Max sighed as he and Lena approached the gala.

"What, you weren't a fan of giving National City more trees?" Lena snorted.

"Nah," Max rolled his eyes. "I swear I was more fake at galas like these than I ever was on camera."

"Right," Lena smirked. "Like you were never fake before?"

"Ouch," Max grinned.

"Whenever you two are done flirting," Lucy griped over the comms.

"Did you find him?" Laurel asked.

"I don't know," Lena frowned. "Look for the shiniest red dress, and I'm sure you'll find the mouth-breather Edge behind it."

Max stopped, then pointed. "Try shiny red lipstick."

Lena rolled her eyes in disgust when she saw Edge, then sighed when she saw the man in a suit standing nearby. "I should have known about the ear piece."

Max smirked. "Good thing a few others had an idea." The guard suddenly smacked his neck, blinking down at his hand when he didn't find a bug. He jerked again, swatting around himself. "Come on," Max grabbed Lena's arm, hustling her right past. "Smart," he said quietly under his breath.

"He's gonna feel that later," Malcolm said smugly.

"I've got two pools and a very large hot tub," Edge was sweet talking the woman with him as the two walked up.

"You know, you really should be careful of standing water," Lena smoothly inserted herself into the conversation, Max backing away to keep an eye out for Kara. "It's usually riddled with disease."

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