Supergirl ~ Of Two Minds ~ Part One

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Fun fact: writing is very therapeutic. And distracting. Seriously, it distracts me from everything else I need to do. Probably why I'm updating this after five in the morning . . . well, it's Sunday, at least. I can still sleep in.

So . . . Team SuperArrow finally starts to see what Pestilence can do and what she can do to the team's members, Kara and Imra don't see eye to eye, and Sam talks to . . . well, herself.


"Well, that was a very sick creature," Alex declared, standing up straight from examining the bird on her table and looking at everyone in the room. "And what's odd is that I can't find a virus or infection of any kind."

"Well, something must have done that," Kara frowned.

"The Blight," Imra answered grimly.

"OK, I can't be the only one thinking this," Dig frowned. "Why pigeons?"

"Yeah, I'm with Dig," Malcolm pointed. "What did pigeons ever do to Worldkillers?"

"My guess?" Slade raised an eyebrow. "Existed."

Felicity giggled, but quickly disguised it as a cough when Imra looked at her. "We went through this on Winath," Mon-El said. "The Blight is preceded by mass wildlife death and plant life, crops rotting in the Earth."

"Soon it will manifest in people," Imra nodded.

Unconsciously, all members of Team Arrow took a small step away from the bird, making Kara, Alex, Lucy, and J'onn look around at them in mild amusement. "It's a short incubation period," Mon-El continued. "It's one hundred percent fatal and extremely contagious."

"Oh, this just gets better and better," Dig grimaced.

"Based on my tests, whatever this bird had, it wasn't transmittable," Alex said. "Not even from bird to bird."

"Good?" Oliver asked cautiously.

"It had to have come in contact with Pestilence herself," Alex explained.

"Still not sure if that's good."

"It might not be contagious yet, but if Pestilence gets stronger, even half the strength of the Blight, the entire city would fall ill in a matter of days," Imra told them.

"That definitely isn't," Lucy frowned.

"But we won't let her get stronger," Kara shook her head.

"Now remember, the cure is written in our DNA," Mon-El looked at everyone.

"With Brainy's help, we'll be able to extract it, weaponize it, and use it to kill Pestilence before she ever becomes the Blight," Imra nodded.

Kara blinked as Imra headed to leave. "Whoa!" she hurried after her. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. We're not killing anyone. We got too aggressive with Purity, and that's when things got worse. I'm not making the same mistake twice. There is a human side to Pestilence. We're gonna find her, and we're going to save her."

"We came here to end the threat to our time, and that means ending her life in this time," Imra frowned.

"It's just not how we operate," Kara told her.

"That's not how I usually operate, but these are extreme circumstances," Imra countered.

"OK, how about before we get into another argument that we don't need right now," Oliver began to cut in, only for his eyes to go past Imra, locking on a man in a black jumpsuit walking into the room. "Hey!" he barked, making the man halt.

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