Supergirl ~ Not Kansas ~ Part One

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Kara tells Alex something important after the Earth-X wedding, Mon-El asks a favor, and James finds himself in a bit of a pickle. Also, I'm declaring that soundtrack linked in here (even though it's Reign's theme) the Kariver theme because it's gorgeous and I really can't help but think of them when I hear it.



"Oh, my God," Alex rolled out her neck as she collapsed back on Kara's sofa, her sister giggling maniacally as she poured glasses of wine for them both. "My feet are killing me."

"And you thought you could outdance me?" Kara really laughed then.

"Yes," Alex mockingly glared at her. "I haven't danced the Macarena in years!"

"Are you kidding?" Kara laughed as she joined Alex, both of them kicking off their heeled sandals. "That was my favorite dance when we were kids!"

"True," Alex said grudgingly as she accepted her glass. "But I can still do a killer Cupid Shuffle."

Kara nodded in agreement. "To Leo and Ray."

"To Leo and Ray," Alex agreed, clinking her glass with hers.

For once, the wedding on Earth-X had gone off without a hitch, unlike poor Barry and Iris's. Ray and Leo had made a beautiful couple, and for once, everyone they had seen on Earth-X had smiles on their faces. Mick had looked ready to burn Ray's uncle to a crisp via his new totem, but Amaya had somehow managed to keep him in line while Nate, Ray, and Wally attempted to teach Zari some of the dances they were doing. Kara and Sara had ultimately been the best dancers of them all, including the Macarena. They probably could have continued had they all not had to return to their respective Earths.

Oliver had gone to make sure everything was settled on Earth-1 with his team, and Kara and Alex had ultimately ended up in her loft. Kara had been full of energy since they had come back, and Alex knew it wasn't because of the wedding they had just attended. "You're going back to Argo," she finally said.

Kara closed her eyes and lowered her wine glass. "As soon as Oliver and William can come with me, yes," she nodded.

Alex swallowed and nodded. "OK."

"God, I still can't believe it," Kara threw her head back on the couch. "It felt so much like home, but National City is home, too, and I just . . . "

"How long do you think you'll be gone?" Alex asked.

"I don't know," Kara closed her eyes. "I feel guilty, I feel . . . selfish."

"Kara," Alex reached out and put a hand on her shoulder. "Argo is where you were born, it's where you grew up. There is nothing selfish at all about going back there. Is it sudden? Yes, but given everything that has happened to you, and to Oliver, this past year . . . hell, everything that has happened your entire lives, this vacation may be exactly what you need. You and Oliver have spent your entire vigilante lives taking care of others. Take care of yourselves, too." Kara nodded, taking a deep breath, and Alex cracked a grin. "But selfishly, I don't know what I'm gonna do with you gone."

Kara giggled. "If your last few adventures without me are anything to go by, you and Slade will find trouble somewhere."

"Kara!" Alex protested, cheeks flushing as she smacked her sister with a pillow.

Kara fell against Alex, laughing loudly. "Besides, when you went away to college, we figured that out!"

"Yeah," Alex smiled, picking at the flyaway hairs that had come out of Kara's bun. "I mean, we called and e-mailed every day. What's Wi-Fi like in space?"

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