Arrow ~ Collision Course ~ Part Two

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Oh, why did this have to be so difficult to write? Ugh . . . original content galore, so I hope everyone enjoys because I am not entirely sure how I did with this. I just know I have some really epic last lines in this.

Evelyn is in safe hands now, Kara has a meeting with people she would rather not see, and a certain trio of vigilantes are very persistent.


Oliver opened the door to the loft he knew Slade, Malcolm, and Laurel were using, and almost immediately swerved to the side to avoid the knife aimed right at his eye. It stuck in the doorframe behind him, and Oliver sighed, reaching out and taking the knife. "Guess I should've knocked first."

"You think?" Malcolm's retort was the first to come as he lowered the knife he had just picked up.

"A little warning would have been nice," Laurel agreed as Oliver handed her the knife back.

"I figured unannounced would be better for this," Oliver shook his head.

Laurel frowned in confusion, but Oliver stepped to the side, and Evelyn smiled shyly as she stepped into view. Laurel's face drained of color, the knife clattering to the floor. "Siren?" Slade frowned, unable to see from where he was.

Laurel just burst forward, and Evelyn moved at the same time, both women hugging each other tightly. "Oh, my God," Laurel gasped in relief. "You're OK!"

"I'm fine," Evelyn nodded, clinging tightly to Laurel as the other two moved into her line of sight. "I'm OK."

"Guess it's a good thing I knocked and not you," Oliver scratched the back of his head.

"I forgive you because it's Evelyn," Laurel declared, pulling back to look Evelyn over for any injuries. "Why were you in Corto Maltese?"

"Getting the money," Evelyn said like it was obvious.

"We already had someone from City Hall in the process of retrieving it," Oliver told her, closing the door as Laurel led Evelyn inside.

Evelyn blushed sheepishly. "Oops?"

Oliver sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Evelyn . . . "

"I thought it would be a good peace offering if you still weren't sure about me," Evelyn mumbled, plopping down on the couch, bringing her legs up to her chest. "I figured, show I was ready to turn myself around."

"Crystal Sparrow, though?" Oliver couldn't help but grin.

Evelyn blushed redder. "I figured one of you would make the connection."

"Clever," Oliver told her, sitting down across from her. "But security footage showed exactly who you are, even with the wig."

Evelyn swallowed hard, ducking her head. "I'm sorry," she whispered.

"Hey, you got to the money before someone else affiliated with Cayden did," Oliver hastened to tell her. "That is good."

"And not that I'm not happy that you're safe," Slade walked forward to stand behind Oliver, "but also very reckless. You have a target on your back because of Vincent. Dinah and her team have to know you're back in the city by now."

Evelyn's face froze. "Oh, God."

"Well, she'll have to get through me first," Laurel scowled.

"Make it two," Malcolm held up a hand.

"It's pretty safe to say there's at least five people she'll have to get through," Oliver told Evelyn. "And one of them is my fiancée, who I would quite frankly like to see her try and get through since she doesn't have any Kryptonite."

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