Arrow ~ Brothers In Arms ~ Part Two

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I feel like I've started to say this every single time I update, but please do not ask me for an update the very same day or the day after I have updated this story. I try and make my chapters between 3.5K-4.5K words long (this, for example, is 3.8K without A/Ns), and with original content especially, that takes time I don't often have over summer. Unless I say I think I may get a chapter up that quickly, don't expect me to pump these out like I sometimes have during the school year. It is summer, but I have a job and family activities to occupy myself with as well as this book. I appreciate people liking this story, but if all you have to say is "please update" pretty much immediately after I update the chapter you're commenting on, that is not a way to get in my good books.

To those of you who do patiently wait no matter how long you have to, know that I appreciate all of you for doing so, whether you comment that you'll wait or you don't. Thank you for respecting my time and me thinking of myself and what's best for me so I can write the best work I can for you.

Anyway, on with the show! Kara and her team have a plan, Team Arrow goes on the hunt, and Diaz gives a reminder.

Enjoy part two!



Slade looked up from where he was examining the cartridges for his handguns, seeing Malcolm hang up his phone. "Is that good or bad, wizard?"

"First off, magician," Malcolm pointed his phone in his direction as he walked up the steps to where Felicity was absently tapping on her keyboard. "Second, sounds like Oliver's meetings with Armand and Hill went better than expected."

"Really?" Slade's eyebrows shot up.

"He wants to talk with Lyla to arrange something for Hill's family, who Diaz apparently threatened to blackmail her into working for him," Malcolm nodded, leaning against the table as the elevator doors slid open. "And apparently Kara and the Legion have a plan regarding Armand's sick son."

"His son?" Slade blinked in surprise.

"He has cancer," Felicity nodded. "I saw that, looking through his file. Poor guy. If he needed money to treat Stage IV leukemia, I can see where Diaz nabbed him."

"That's exactly it," Malcolm nodded, looking up as Dig walked out of the elevator. "Oliver just called. He needs to meet with Lyla."

"Oh," Dig blinked. "I'll give her a call in a minute, then. In the meantime," he held out a flash drive to Felicity. "Compliments of the director of A.R.G.U.S."

"Ooo, here we go," Felicity brightened, taking the drive and inserting it into her computer. "Let's see what Diaz can't hide from us now."

"And hopefully we'll finally be able to get out of here," Malcolm grumbled.

Slade smirked. "Rumor has it Laurel doesn't have anything better to do."

Malcolm shot him a nasty glare. "Shut up!"

Dig snickered to himself, letting Slade and Malcolm bicker as usual as he walked over to watch Felicity work. "I have to say," he remarked, looking over at the two vigilantes, "once you stop holding grudges, they're pretty amusing to have around."

"Never a dull day as long as they're arguing about what Malcolm's League name means," Felicity nodded in agreement.

"Did I miss it?"

"Oh, yeah."

Dig sighed in annoyance, then perked up with Felicity sat up straight. "Got something?"

"I think so," Felicity nodded, and just like that, Slade and Malcolm were crowding around, too. "Lyla's got a name for one of Diaz's suppliers – Marshall Katz. I'll start running a location on him now."

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