Supergirl ~ Of Two Minds ~ Part Two

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So apparently I decided the best way for me to stress about tomorrow's review was to stress write . . . and of course the chapter all the stress writing occurs for is when all of the emotions happen. Of course. So here's 6.5K words of my stress writing.

Things with the cure go wrong, Team SuperArrow is dealt another huge blow, and many emotional conversations are had.


The lights in the medbay were off, allowing Winn and Oliver to sleep without any disturbances. Though Kara wanted more than anything to be by her fiancé, she chose instead to stand in the doorway, chewing her lip nervously, unable to stop worrying. The doses had been given before any horrible symptoms were showing. That meant they were going to be OK.


Kara turned quickly at her name, and she slumped a bit as Dig walked up to her. "Hey," she said quietly. "They're sleeping."

"Yeah, probably one of the only decent amounts of sleep Oliver's gotten recently, huh?" Dig guessed, stopping by her side.

Kara shrugged absently, her gaze going back to the archer. "He hates hospitals," she remembered from when he had first come to Earth-38. "And he didn't refuse at all to be put in the medbay." She sniffed, angrily reaching up and swiping at her eyes. "It's bad."

"Hey," Dig put a hand on her shoulder. "I've been with Oliver for six years. He's been through a lot. Hell, he survived a sword in the gut. He'll get through this."

Kara nodded, exhaling shakily. "Thanks, John. I know you and Oliver are going through . . . whatever's going on – "

"That doesn't matter right now," Dig shook his head, looking over towards Oliver's bed. "Not while he's like this."

Kara sighed, nodding. "He needs all the support he can get." Her eyes slid to Winn, and tears blurred her vision as she looked at her best friend. "Both of them do."

Dig carefully tugged her into a hug, and she buried her face in his neck. "They'll get through this," he told her. "They're strong."

"Listen to him, little one," Slade's Australian rumble came from behind her, and Kara relaxed as he put a hand on her back, rubbing gently. "They'll pull through."

Kara nodded silently, then took a deep breath and stepped back out of the hug. "Thanks," she said quietly.

"No problem," Dig nodded.

Kara turned to lean into Slade, who put his arm around her comfortingly, and she saw J'onn with him as well. "Hi."

J'onn chuckled. "Hi yourself."

Kara sighed, closing her eyes. "Do you think I'll get through to Pestilence?" she asked suddenly.

J'onn considered. "There's no way of knowing. You just have to try."

Kara made a face. "That's not what Yoda would say."

Slade laughed as Dig rolled his eyes. "'Do or do not.'"

"Yeah, I think it's fair to say he didn't get that one right," Dig smirked.

Kara giggled quietly, and J'onn put a hand on her shoulder. "You know, these days, I don't know what my father will remember," he told her. "I wake up and have the same conversation with him every day. I keep at it because sometimes he remembers we've had that conversation before, and we actually laugh about it. I keep trying. I keep talking so that he can find those moments of clarity and laugh. Just because something's hard doesn't mean it's impossible. You break through impossible every day. You inspire the rest of us to do the same."

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