Supergirl ~ Reign ~ Part Three

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It absolutely sucks that this is the last part I will be writing for this book until the seasons end. I think I'm stopping on a good note, though. Of course, that's if a cliffhanger can be called a good note . . .

Anyway. Tensions run high in National City, and Kara finally comes face to face with her big bad of the season, and she doesn't come alone. Sadly, the outcome remains the same.



"Samples from the remains of the victims confirm," Winn turned away from the news grimly. "They were killed by heat vision."

"It really is a Kryptonian doing this," Amaya swallowed.

"Yep," Winn nodded. "And Morgan Edge had nothing to do with it."

"Well, at least it's not related to the guy with the laser gun who went after Lena," Felicity pointed out.

"Nope," Laurel shook her head. "Just some guy Edge hired to try and kill him."

"And Harry and Iris were just in the crossfire," Caitlin sighed.

"So he thought he could get away with killing her and blame it on the Kryptonian?" Stein asked.

"See why we don't like him?" Malcolm snorted.

"Just like Coville said," J'onn said. "'Work of the Beast.'"

"That's not creepy at all," Cisco shuddered.

"Coville strikes me as a fanatic, not a prophet," Slade frowned.

"The two don't have to be mutually exclusive," J'onn shook his head. "He said this. The Beast would come. She would mark the city, and then She would take it. I think it's worth pushing through the noise here to see the truth."

"Well, the moment you start believing in something is the moment you give your power away," Kara huffed. "I'm not gonna give away mine. So what we know about this Kryptonian is that she's a pretender. I beat Kal down to the ground when I had to. I'll beat her down, too."


Lena looked down her phone when it rang, and frowning, she picked it up. "Hello?"

"I heard you were attacked by someone who tried to make it look like it was perpetrated by that thing that's leaving those alien marks," Edge said, and Lena growled, making Harry look at her in surprise. "That's awful! Awful! I mean, it's Christmas!"

"Morgan, you are a vile, despicable scrooge who's gonna die alone and in prison," Lena spat.

"Well, gotta go," Edge said cheerfully. "Christmas party!"

Lena hung up angrily, and Harry raised an eyebrow. "The Grinch?"

"Yeah," Lena seethed.


"OK, how hard can it be to track down a Kryptonian going around killing people?" Nate asked later, looking up from his work.

"She probably disguises herself like Kara does," Amaya answered.

"And we don't even know what she looks like," Caitlin pointed out.

"We have a lot to do," Alex sighed, rubbing her temples.

Kara was walking down the stairs when her phone rang, and frowning, Kara picked up. "James?"

"Someone just tried to heat-vision Edge," James cut to the point, making Kara freeze. "He's calling a press conference."

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