Supergirl ~ Damage ~ Part One

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I really couldn't resist not getting to this episode. Kara and Sam working together, plus the opportunity to give Earth-1 characters other than Oliver, Malcolm, and Laurel time to work with Team Supergirl? Hell yeah, I'll start writing it. Plus, after this episode, there's only one more chapter before we finally get the Deathsteel reunion. :)

Alex breaks the news to Maggie, and Kara, Lena, and Sam learn something devastating from Lillian Luthor's devil successor, Morgan Edge.

Enjoy part one!


Kara dove down onto the highway, landing in front of a prison escort truck, stopping it in its tracks. When she straightened from her crouch, she saw the driver look at her with wide eyes, one of the prisoners grabbing him out of his chair. She walked over to the doors and tore them open, climbing up into the bus. The prisoner grabbed the driver, and Kara paused, watching him put his knife to his throat. "You come closer, your eyes glow, you even flinch . . . and I open up his throat."

Kara tilted her head. "No, you won't."

Something exploded on top of the bus, and the prisoner turned around as part of the top collapsed. Alex dropped in and punched the guy out. Kara watched her demolish every prisoner who thought it was a good idea to try and take her down, then asked in a bored voice, "Anyone else?"

Unsurprisingly, no other prisoner moved from their seat.


Kara and Alex let the police handle the transport from there, and Kara walked down the sidewalk with her sister, feeling how tense and upset she was. "You holding up OK?" she asked.

"No," Alex said bluntly.

Kara looked at her sympathetically. "It's happening tomorrow?"

"Yeah," Alex confirmed.

Kara put her arm around her shoulders, squeezing her lightly.


Ruby looked up at her mother in concern on the way to school, then asked, "Mom, are you OK?"

"What?" Sam blinked, then nodded. "Yes. Babe, of course, I'm fine. I'm totally fine. It was just a dream."

"You were awake," Ruby pointed out.

"Ruby, I'm fine," she sighed. "It was a migraine. Look, we're up next. Get your backpack." Ruby smiled and grabbed her backpack from the back seat. "I love you," Sam smiled.

"Love you, too," Ruby giggled, getting out. "Bye!"

"Have a good day!" Sam waved. "Bye!"

Ruby walked towards the school, turning when she saw one of her friends run up to her. "Hey! Did you get your math homework done?" When Ruby nodded, he sheepishly said, "I couldn't get through it."

"Well, there's still time before the bell if you want me to help you," Ruby offered.

"Yeah," he grinned. "That'd be – "

Ruby frowned, seeing him stop midsentence, a strange look on his face. "You OK?" she asked. He tried to reach for her, then toppled backwards in a dead faint. "Luke!" she shrieked, lunging forward to try and catch him. "Mom, help! Mom!" Sam's eyes widened, and she hurried out of her car, pulling out her phone to call an ambulance. "It's OK, it's OK," she gasped, trying to figure out what to do to help Luke as he kept spasming. "It's OK. Oh, please," she sobbed, Sam running up and putting an arm around her. "It's OK. It's OK!"


"Ms. Luthor!" Lena turned when she heard her name being called, and James walked up to her, a small frown on his face. "Um, you approved an advertorial on page six."

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