Arrow ~ Brothers In Arms ~ Part One

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Well, good news, everyone - I got a job for the summer! Unfortunately, that also severely cuts into my writing time. I don't work the same days every week, so it's either a hit or miss for writing time. Add into that time spent with my family and friends since it's summer, I have no idea how often I'll write or when I'll update. Please keep that in mind before asking me/begging me for another update.

With that being said, let's get down to business! Success on Dinah's end is ruined by a corrupt police captain and D.A., and Team Arrow divides to conquer.



The black police surveillance van drove down the street, no other cars in sight in the black of Star City's darkness. Dinah watched the road to make sure when they were coming up on their mark, then turned to the officers in casual clothing she had with her in the back. "The Orchid Bay Night Market runs three blocks east-west along Arguelo," she told them. "About midway down, there's an alley. Now, that's where Anatoli Knyazev has been making his drop. He is not a physical threat, but the two men who will be with him are."

"I've been to this market," Curtis's new boyfriend, Nick, spoke up. "A lot of civilians there." "Hopefully not in the alley," Dinah told him. "We're gonna pin them in, take them out, clean and fast. Any questions?"

One of the officers looked around the single-digit number of officers in the van. "This group's a little light to take on three Bratvas."

"Well, Diaz has God knows how much of the force under his control, including Captain Hill," Dinah told him. "The only cops I'm sure I can trust are here in this van."

"Still be nice to have some backup," another officer muttered.

Dinah resisted the urge to snort. "We're covered, trust me." She checked her watch, then nodded. "All right, two minutes out. Let's get ready."


Nick was browsing through the vegetable stands when he saw an arm encased in a fur-lined coat snag an apple from a nearby basket. He waited a few seconds, then straightened up and turned to make sure who he thought passed him was actually who he was. When he saw it really was Anatoli Knyazev, he reached up to his comms. "Tango's heading into the alley."

"Move in," Dinah ordered.

Nick nodded, walking after Knyazev, two of the other officers on his six.


The three police officers weren't going unwatched from above. One helmeted figure watched the three walk through the market; the other was watching the alley behind. Both held handguns, ready to fire. "Looks clean so far," Dig reported.

"And we know that can change at any moment," Slade muttered. "Overwatch?"

"Score one for Deathstroke," Felicity said through their comms. "Tricky, tricky, Anatoli. Thermal reads four bogies, east alley."

The two vigilantes exchanged looks. "I'll flank left," Dig finally said.

"I'll take right," Slade nodded in agreement.

Both stood at the same time, pausing only when Felicity's voice came in their ears again. "It's kind of scary how you both seem to think on the same wavelength now, you know?"

Slade snorted loudly. "Maybe Oliver should stop thinking we need to keep pairing up, then we wouldn't be so good at it."

"Soldier knows another soldier," Dig smirked, Slade chuckling in agreement as they moved off in different directions.

" . . . fair point," Felicity conceded.


Anatoli beamed as he walked into the alley, holding up the apple he had snagged. "You should try apples," he advised. "It's good season."

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