Supergirl ~ Reign ~ Part One

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Oh, boy. Here comes a whammy of a midseason finale. I was super impressed with this one, even with that ending. Hope I do this episode justice!

Mon-El and Imra share a bit about the future, and it gets crowded at Casa de Danvers . . . like, very crowded. Extremely crowded. Also, if you haven't noticed, the cast list got updated . . . just so you know. ;)

Enjoy the first part of "Reign!"



When Sam woke in the morning, she gasped and shot upright, finding herself tangled in her sheets. The last thing she remembered in her dream was searing red beams of light . . .

"Mom?" Ruby ran into the room, eyes wide.

Sam panted, looking up at her daughter. "Yeah," she swallowed, holding her forehead.

"I heard you scream," she said worriedly.

"I'm sorry," Sam sighed, closing her eyes. "Sorry, I had a bad dream."

"I thought you'd wake me up when you got back from your trip," Ruby told her.

Sam frowned, looking up at her. "What trip?"

"Where you went yesterday," Ruby answered.

"I didn't go on a trip, Ruby," Sam shook her head. "I'm here."

"You said you were going somewhere," Ruby insisted. "To get answers. That something wonderful was gonna happen."

"I said that?" Sam asked in confusion. When Ruby nodded, Sam sighed. "I don't know what . . . " She shook her head. "I'm tired. I've just been so tired. Come here," she held out her arms, and Ruby crawled onto the bed to hug her. "Hi. Hi."

"Hi," Ruby smiled, curling into her.

"What time is it?"

"Eleven." Sam blinked, surprised, turning to see her clock. "Yeah, you slept in."

"It can't be eleven," Sam looked at Ruby, completely serious. "Because it's pancake o' clock!" Ruby giggled as Sam tossed the covers off, standing up. "What do you want, chocolate chip or banana?"

"Both!" Ruby shouted, running after her.



5 Days Before Christmas

"It's a long story," Mon-El looked around the table.

"Well, seven years is a long time," Kara pointed out.

Mon-El conceded the point with a nod. "Strange as it may sound, the 31st century is actually not that different from today."

"What, better smartphones?" Winn asked curiously.

Imra blinked in confusion. "What's a phone?"

"'What's a phone?'" Winn repeated, grinning widely. "Oh, the future's awesome!"

"Well, technology has developed beyond imagining," Mon-El nodded. "But, at the end of the day, it's still in service of communicating with each other, and entertaining each other . . . and also killing each other. In this day, or in a thousand years, conflict is constant, but so is strength."

"And that's where we come in," Imra nodded.

"So what are you?" Alex tilted her head. "Soldiers?"

"The governments were overwhelmed by violence, by chaos," Imra answered. "Mon-El organized us, and we banded together to help Earth's leaders keep the peace, at home and in the stars. We call ourselves the Legion. And . . . " She smiled shyly at Kara. "We exist because of you."

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