Supergirl ~ Not Kansas ~ Part Three

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The Earth-38 team get their guy, Kara and Oliver solve their problem on Argo, I'm ship teasing again, there's the calm, and then there's the storm.



"Any leads on tracking the gun owner?" James asked as he, Lucy, and Max walked into the D.E.O.

"Listen, we were only able to identify, like, ten percent of the people that actually purchased the Heel-14, and that is with state-of-the-art tracking," Winn sighed.

"Better some than none," Lucy mumbled.

"So, what's the next move?" James asked.

"Old-fashioned police line-up," J'onn answered. "We need you to look at some photos, James, see if you recognize the guy who bought the gun." James nodded in agreement, straightening up. "Winn, let's start with the guys that purchased more than one weapon."

"OK," Winn nodded, pulling the images up on the main screens.

James surveyed them all, then walked around the console and pointed. "That's him," he said. "Bottom right corner, Arthur Willis."

"OK, Arthur Willis," Winn pulled up his file, then blinked. "Are you sure? 'Cause this says that he passed his instant background check at the gun show. He has no history of mental health issues. I mean, he doesn't seem like a threat."

"I don't forget a face," James shook his head.

"Never make assumptions," Slade narrowed his eye.

"Because assumption is the mother of all failures," Alex finished for him, and when Slade looked at her in surprise, she blushed. "It's good advice!" she defended herself. "I like it!"

Max eyed the two of them before clearing his throat. "How many guns did he buy?"

"Uh, let's see," Winn checked, drawing Slade and Alex's attention back to him. "Four that I can see."

"Get a strike team together," J'onn ordered Alex.

Before James could utter a word, it was Slade who frowned. "You want to pit these exact guns against this man?"

"What do you want me to do, Slade?" J'onn asked in exasperation.

"The only thing that's going to happen if you take men out there with these weapons, it's going to turn into a war zone," he answered. "This isn't an alien, J'onn, this is a human being. Bringing these guns to a fight like this is going to be as bad for you as it is for him."

"I need my guys to be armed to defend themselves, and protect the public," J'onn argued.

Slade raised an eyebrow. "The armor I use as Deathstroke protects me just fine, which allows me to use only a sidearm for a gun," he pointed out. "This is one man, J'onn. We're not going to fight World War III here. I'm not saying don't bring weapons, but don't bring these weapons out there. All that gunfire, and if you miss? That's a hell of a lot of damage that can't be blamed on Willis. That's on you and your men."

J'onn frowned, considering, then Winn cleared his throat. "Uh, I'm so sorry to interrupt, but I have just been perusing Arthur's social media and he just posted what looks like a manifesto."

He projected it on the main screen, and J'onn squinted, reading. "'To whom it concerns, so you understand why. For those who ruined my life, for the partners of Vang and Morales who spit on me when they fired me.'"

"Vang and Morales," Lucy narrowed her eyes. "I know that name, it's a law firm."

James's eyes widened. "It's in the same business plaza as the bank where the cops spotted him. He wasn't robbing the bank."

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