Supergirl ~ The Faithful ~ Part Three

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Yee, here's part three!

Kara and family take on Coville, Alex makes a startling realization, and Oliver gives Kara a message.



"I'm almost to the stadium," Kara reported as she flew. "You're sure that's where it is?"

"Yes," Winn confirmed. "And I checked attendance. The stadium is at full capacity. That is fifteen thousand people."

"Alex, Oliver, Dark Archer, Black Siren, you have ten minutes before the Betahedron breaches," J'onn said. "You need to get everybody out of that stadium right now."


Coville was standing with his arms held out when Kara flew in. "Coville!"

"Our prayers have been answered," he smiled, turning to face her.

"Whatever you did to the Betahedron, to the probe, you have to stop it, now!" Kara ordered, landing on the ground.

"Don't you see the beauty?" Coville smiled. "The same vessel that delivered Rao's word to Earth has now become an instrument for destruction. To give you the chance to deliver thousands to our ranks? A test to reaffirm to yourself what Rao sees in you."

"But Rao is peaceful," Kara told him. "Rao would never ask his followers to endanger other people. What you're doing is an insult to Him."

"What we're doing is in service of Him, and in service of you."

Kara scoffed, rolling her eyes and walking past him. "Winn, you're going to have to tell me how to shut it down – "

She got within a few feet of the probe and halted, grunting in pain, her eyes flying wide. She gasped and collapsed, unable to stand. "What's wrong with her?" Olivia asked, crawling over.

"Don't worry," Coville shook his head, and Kara stared in shock at her hand as green rippled through her veins. "This is all part of Rao's plan!"

Kara gasped, trying to straighten up. "Winn? Winn!"


"Supergirl, what's happening?" Winn asked, standing up and looking at J'onn.

"It's . . . Kryptonite!" she ground out. "Kryptonite!"

"Alex, Oliver, something went wrong," J'onn announced.


"Yeah, we heard," Oliver growled as he and Alex walked with the head of security.

"We need to stop this game," Alex told him.

"We got a packed house, Agent Danvers," the man shook his head, leading them out into the stadium. "You yell 'bomb' out here, people are going to get trampled."

Alex sighed as she looked around. "You're gonna have to shut that thing down. We won't get everybody out in time. Repeat, we will not evacuate in time."


Kara panted, turning to Coville, aware her veins were still glowing green. "We are all going to die," she forced out. "You need to shut it down!"

"You said she would save us!" Olivia glared. "That she would save everybody!"

"And she will," Coville nodded, walking over and crouching by Kara. "Those people up there, they need to be awoken. Only you can do that. You are the one to deliver Rao's light upon all of us."

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