Supergirl ~ Reign ~ Part Two

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The heroes join forces, Lena does some investigating of her own, and Kara meets back up with a familiar face. Also, Imra's line was adorable. Just saying.

Enjoy part two!


Amaya straightened from where she was leaning on the balcony railing, running back down into the D.E.O. "They're back!" she called.

"Good," Sara sighed.

But Kara swooped right over their heads, going deeper into the D.E.O. "Whoa!" Cisco swerved to avoid her, watching with wide eyes. "OK, the last time she did that, Samantha died."

"Oh, I hope someone didn't die," Felicity winced.

Ray and Firestorm flew in next, and the moment they hit the ground, Firestorm separated into Jax and Lily. "Please tell us no one died," Dig looked over, completely serious.

"No," Ray shook his head, pulling off his helmet. "But there's a bigger problem."

"What could be a bigger problem than someone dying?" Iris frowned.

"That field we were called to?" Jax folded his arms. "Someone burned what looked like a Kryptonian symbol in the grass."

There was stunned silence from everyone. "OK, that's probably a bigger problem," Iris admitted.

"I thought Skirt and her cousin were the only ones left," Mick scowled.

"Guess not," Malcolm sighed.

"Did Kara recognize it?" Oliver asked.

"No," Ray shook his head. "But it was a diamond shield, just like hers."

Felicity looked down at her tablet when it beeped. "It just came in," she tapped it, then blinked. "Oh . . . yikes."

"That was about our reactions," Lily sighed.

"Whoa," Nate's eyes widened when he saw the symbol as Felicity flipped her tablet around. "That's . . . OK, yeah, this can't be good."

Barry sighed. "I'll run back to S.T.A.R. Labs and get my suit."

"Wait, what?" Felicity looked up, surprised.

"Guys, you don't have to stay," Oliver began.

"Kara was worried by that symbol," Ray shook his head. "If she was worried, this can't be good."

"And if it is Kryptonian, we all know how hard it is to take one down," Jax pointed out. "I'm inclined to stay. That's if the captain is OK with it."

"Anyone opposed?" Sara turned to look at the Legends. When no one did, Sara turned around. "Then we'll go back to Earth-1 and grab our gear. We'll help."

"Well, I've got to get back to Star City," Quentin said. "Wish I could help, but someone's got to be in the office."

"Thank you for coming," Oliver told him sincerely.

"Of course," Quentin nodded. "Let me know how things turn out."

"Will do."


Kara looked at the symbol on a tablet of her own, frowning. "I've seen this before," she said. "When I was a kid on a field trip to the ruins of old Krypton." She looked up at the hologram in front of her. "What does it mean?"

"The symbols predate recorded history," the hologram of Alura Zor-El answered. "The glyphs are known as Low Speech and used in Urrika, the Kryptonian continent where life began."

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