Supergirl ~ Schott Through The Heart ~ Part Three

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And once again, I massively underestimate how much I'll have written for the last part of an episode. I really need to stop doing that.

It's Team SuperArrow to the rescue, and it's karaoke night part two complete with a few friends and a not-so-friendly face, and we finally see what Lena's been up to.


"Well, this is your territory, Telle," Oliver looked around as the seven walked into the factory. "Any ideas?"

"She was in that claw apparatus," Mon-El recalled.

"Suspended from above," Winn nodded grimly.

"We'll find her," Thea promised.

A buzzing came from behind, and James and Thea turned, raising their flashlights to see what was following them. "What is that?" James squinted.

"Is that a plane?" Mon-El blinked.

"No, it's not," Winn blanched. "It's a bomb!"

"Get down!" Slade yelled.

Oliver grabbed Thea and pulled her down behind Slade, James crouching behind Kara, Winn behind Mon-El. The plane exploded just ahead of them, but the three still standing and covering the four bent down didn't budge from their positions. Kara lowered her arm from her face, watching more planes fly towards them. "Go," she ordered. "Find Mary!"

Winn scrambled to his feet, taking off first, followed by James and Thea. "Go," Mon-El nodded to Oliver and Slade, picking a pipe off the ground to use. "We've got this."

"Be careful!" Oliver called, he and Slade running after the others.

A few planes tried to veer off after them, but Kara fired with her heat vision, taking three down in quick succession. "Not my boys!" she growled.

Mon-El smirked as he whacked another plane hard enough to make it explode. "Your boys, huh?"

"They totally are," Kara grinned.


"Whoa!" Thea blinked rapidly, trying to shield her eyes as fluorescent purple lights triggered around them. "What the hell?"

The female voice that had delivered the message to the D.E.O. came over the speakers. "Welcome, welcome, to the Willard Walter Wiggins Game Company!"

"We don't care!" Slade growled.

The roar of flames caught Oliver's attention, and he risked a quick glance behind him. "We might want to care about that!"

Winn yelped, looking back at the truck-mounted flamethrower as well. "We got a thing on our twelve!"

"That's our six!" James yelled back.

"I'm very stressed right now!"

The flamethrower suddenly stopped, then the truck started firing at them. Thea dodged one, grunting in annoyance. "Literal Hot Wheels!"

"Can't one of you take care of that?!" Winn looked at Oliver and Slade.


"So glad Junior brought his friends," the female voice said as Kara and Mon-El finished destroying the planes

Kara narrowed her eyes, looking around, then locked onto a figure running through the factory. "There she is," she scowled, hurrying off.

She moved through the shelves, frowning as the voice continued. "Heat vision, freeze breath, and so many points of articulation? I think I'll keep you." Two claws suddenly slammed plastic around Kara, and she gagged for breath, struggling to move. "It's so rare to find a vintage superhero in mint condition."

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