Supergirl ~ The Fanatical ~ Part Two

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I'm going to ask everyone's forgiveness ahead of time if I'm extremely short regarding comments or seem on edge. I was browsing the superarrow tag last night and found a story that's copied the majority of "One Call Away" word for word. There is some original stuff - involving Iris arriving with Cisco and Alex coming with Kara, for example - but there's also a lot of word for word similarities. I'm hoping to work this out with that user, but if I seem edgy with you, please do not take it personally. This is just me being a tense wreck over here.

Anyway, you're not here to hear me rant about that, you're here to read this! The arcade doesn't go too smoothly (at first), the Tech Brigade make a discovery, James has a heart to heart with Kara and Winn, and the team starts their plan against the fanatics.



"You must deliver Tanya and the journal to the corner of Pacific and First at five p.m.," Kara read off, narrowing her eyes angrily. "If you fail to show up, we will go live with this video and reveal James Olsen as Guardian to all of National City."

Tanya's face fell, and she buried her head in her hands. "I'm so sorry I put you at risk."

"No, no, it's not your fault," James shook his head.

"If they expose your identity, then you're a vigilante!" Tanya protested, panicking. "They could arrest, and then all of those people that you put in jail, they'd know who you are! They could go after you!"

"Tanya, it is not about that right now," James held up his hand, trying to calm her down. "This is about protecting you."

"We have three hours," Kara nodded. "We can find Olivia and her followers before anything happens to James."


When Evelyn quietly reported that Ruby had plopped herself down at one of the tables and wasn't budging, Alex put a smile on her face and walked over. "Hey, look," she pointed. "there's no line at Dance Dance Revolution!"

"I don't wanna do it," Ruby shook her head.

Alex chewed her lip, then sat across from. "Look, Ruby," she said quietly, making her look up. "I know you miss your mom, and I know that you're in pain. Please, let me help you."

"All of you made me come here," Ruby reminded her. "I told you I didn't want to."

"I know," Alex nodded, noticing Oliver approach out of the corner of her eye. "Sometimes, when we're in pain, it can feel like we're sinking, like quicksand. And experts in this kind of thing, they say that when we are in pain, the best thing to do is surround ourselves with loved ones who can bring us back to life. So, I'm just trying to help you. We all are."

"Ruby," Oliver said as he walked over and sat down as well, drawing her attention to him. "Take it from someone who has had their whole world turned upside down like you. It is extremely difficult to get through this by yourself with no one to help you."

Ruby looked at him dubiously. "Really?"

"Really," Oliver nodded. "My dad shot himself in the head so I could survive after our family's boat went down. My mom sacrificed her life so Thea and I could live." He considered telling Ruby that it was Slade who had killed his mother, then decided that was something she probably shouldn't hear. "Thea nearly died; if we hadn't healed her just in time, she would have never recovered. And last summer, I nearly lost all of my friends and family. I never could have saved them all if I didn't have the help I did. Ruby, I promise, at this very moment Lena is working tooth and nail to bring your mother back. I know you have been through a whirlwind of change these last few weeks, but I promise you are not alone in this. We're all here for you." He tilted his head to the side, where William, Evelyn, and Zoe were doing very poorly in pretending they weren't paying attention. "Especially those three."

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